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Reason: None provided.

She's clearly angry.

It's just so tiresome...

"Ma'am, I'm going to stop you, if you continue to attack my colleague"

Instead of "stopping" her, why don't you do the adult thing, and just address what she's saying your colleague did? Does he, or doesn't he have a record of repeatedly comparing Trump to Hitler, and - if so - why does the company you work for think that person is a reasonable choice for the position of a moderator? We're not debating whether or not he's your colleague, and it has zero fucking bearing here. If she's wrong, point out how she's wrong. That's the adult/logical way to "stop" her. She knows she can't, though, because she doesn't have the facts on her side, so she resorts to this bullshit act.

It's just so fucking tiresome. The leftists acting like they're doing something noble ("Hey, everyone! Look how amazing I am defending my colleague!"), when the reality is that they're just using that in a feeble attempt to protect their politicking.

Goddamn, am I tired of being forced to deal with the left, and their childish games. Anyone that isn't indoctrinated into this crap knows goddamned well what they are doing, and it's ridiculous that society is forced to engage with them in a serious manner simply because they've entrenched themselves in all these places of power.

6 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

She's clearly angry.

It's just so tiresome...

"Ma'am, I'm going to stop you, if you continue to attack my colleague"

Instead of "stopping" her (and lets be honest, you're not stopping shit, nor any of her message, you're just going to politick, and have her cut off), why don't you do the adult thing, and just address what she's saying your colleague did? Does he, or doesn't he have a record of repeatedly comparing Trump to Hitler, and - if so - why does the company you work for think that person is a reasonable choice for the position of a moderator? We're not debating whether or not he's your colleague, and it has zero fucking bearing here. If she's wrong, point out how she's wrong. That's the adult/logical way to "stop" her. She knows she can't, though, because she doesn't have the facts on her side, so she resorts to this bullshit act.

It's just so fucking tiresome. The leftists acting like they're doing something noble ("Hey, everyone! Look how amazing I am defending my colleague!"), when the reality is that they're just using that in a feeble attempt to protect their politicking.

Goddamn, am I tired of being forced to deal with the left, and their childish games. Anyone that isn't indoctrinated into this crap knows goddamned well what they are doing, and it's ridiculous that society is forced to engage with them in a serious manner simply because they've entrenched themselves in all these places of power.

6 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

She's clearly angry.

It's just so tiresome...

"Ma'am, I'm going to stop you, if you continue to attack my colleague"

Instead of "stopping" her (and lets be honest, you're not stopping shit, nor any of her message, you're just going to politick, and have her cut off), why don't you do the adult thing, and just address what she's saying your colleague did? Does he, or doesn't he have a record of repeatedly comparing Trump to Hitler, and - if so - why does the company you work for think that person is a reasonable choice for the position of a moderator? We're not debating whether or not he's your colleague, and it has zero fucking bearing here. If she's wrong, point out how she's wrong. That's the adult/logical way to "stop" her. She knows she can't, though, because she doesn't have the facts on her side, so she resorts to this bullshit act.

It's just so fucking tiresome. The leftists acting like they're doing something noble ("Hey, everyone! Look how amazing I am defending my colleague!"), when the reality is that they're just using that in a feeble attempt to protect their politicking.

Goddamn, am I tired of being forced to deal with the left, and their childish games. Anyone that isn't indoctrinated into this crap knows goddamned well what they are doing, and it's ridiculous that society is forced to engage with them in a serious manner simply because they've entrenched themselves in all these places of power.

6 days ago
1 score