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Reason: None provided.

Is it weird? Probably

I wouldn't even go that far. You have ancestors who had 2 or 3 kids by the time they were that age and managed an entire household, cooked 3 meals a day, did all of laundry, ground their own grain into flour, sewed and repaired the whole family's clothes, were on their knees scrubbing the wood floors with borax, etc. We all do. Every single last one of us has ancestors, and a fucking lot of them, who were having whole families by 14,15,16,etc. And not just 10,000 years ago. More like 90 years ago. 17yos were fully capable adults for 99% of human history worldwide. The fact that the West in the past 100 years has infantilized them is the weird abnormality.

Ever single human male from 100,000BC until like 1920, had considered a 17yo woman to be fair game. The fact that in the West we just suddenly and arbitrarily decided "you can't do that anymore. You can't think that anymore" is the weird thing.

Your great grandma, my great grandma, all of our great grandmas would be thinking "a 17yo? Where was her husband? Why didn't he stop her from talking to another man?". They sure as shit wouldn't think he's weird for talking to her.

We can agree that it's stupid for him because he should know the fucked up modern age we live in. But I'm not gonna call him a creep for something 99.999% of human males worldwide for all of recorded history would have thought was entirely normal. I'm just not willing to accept that much modernism. I think modernism is the weird creepy abberation.

I view this whole topic in the same way that modern society views the issue of "well of course women should have full rights and be able to make all of their own decisions". 99.999% of civilizations worldwide for all of recorded history knew that was stupid and didn't agree. The fact that the West in the past 100 years has suddenly decided to throw out that wisdom doesn't make the West correct.

Nevermind the fact that the average 17yo Western girl has had double digit sexual partners and engaged in some of the most kinky degenerate shit out there. When your uncle when to a strip club in 1971, the strippers there were less sexually experienced than the average high school freshman in 2024. Spend 10 minutes on TikTok or Snapchat and tell me I'm wrong. I'm just not gonna sit here and wring my hands fretting and pretending that this 17yo was having a stuffed animal princess tea party before Dr.Disrespect corrupted her. I was born, but it wasn't yesterday. I'm not ignorant enough to go along with that lie.

6 days ago
7 score
Reason: None provided.

Is it weird? Probably

I wouldn't even go that far. You have ancestors who had 2 or 3 kids by the time they were that age and managed an entire household, cooked 3 meals a day, did all of laundry, ground their own grain into flour, sewed and repaired the whole family's clothes, were on their knees scrubbing the wood floors with borax, etc. We all do. Every single last one of us has ancestors, and a fucking lot of them, who were having whole families by 14,15,16,etc. And not just 10,000 years ago. More like 90 years ago. 17yos were fully capable adults for 99% of human history worldwide. The fact that the West in the past 100 years has infantilized them is the weird abnormality.

Ever single human male from 100,000BC until like 1920, had considered a 17yo woman to be fair game. The fact that in the West we just suddenly and arbitrarily decided "you can't do that anymore. You can't think that anymore" is the weird thing.

Your great grandma, my great grandma, all of our great grandmas would be thinking "a 17yo? Where was her husband? Why didn't he stop her from talking to another man?". They sure as shit wouldn't think he's weird for talking to her.

We can agree that it's stupid for him because he should know the fucked up modern age we live in. But I'm not gonna call him a creep for something 99.999% of human males worldwide for all of recorded history would have thought was entirely normal. I'm just not willing to accept that much modernism. I think modernism is the weird creepy abberation.

I view this whole topic in the same way that modern society views the issue of "well of course women should have full rights and be able to make all of their own decisions". 99.999% of civilizations worldwide for all of recorded history knew that was stupid and didn't agree. The fact that the West in the past 100 years has suddenly decided to throw out that wisdom doesn't make the West correct.

6 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Is it weird? Probably

I wouldn't even go that far. You have ancestors who had 2 or 3 kids by the time they were that age and managed an entire household, cooked 3 meals a day, did all of laundry, ground their own grain into flour, sewed and repaired the whole family's clothes, were on their knees scrubbing the wood floors with borax, etc. We all do. Every single last one of us has ancestors, and a fucking lot of them, who were having whole families by 14,15,16,etc. And not just 10,000 years ago. More like 90 years ago. 17yos were fully capable adults for 99% of human history worldwide. The fact that the West in the past 100 years has infantilized them is the weird abnormality.

Ever single human male from 100,000BC until like 1920, had considered a 17yo woman to be fair game. The fact that in the West we just suddenly and arbitrarily decided "you can't do that anymore. You can't think that anymore" is the weird thing.

Your great grandma, my great grandma, all of our great grandmas would be thinking "a 17yo? Where was her husband? Why didn't he stop her from talking to another man?". They sure as shit wouldn't think he's weird for talking to her.

We can agree that it's stupid for him because he should know the fucked up modern age we live in. But I'm not gonna call him a creep for something 99.999% of human males worldwide for all of recorded history would have thought was entirely normal. I'm just not willing to accept that much modernism. I think modernism is the weird creepy abberation.

6 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Is it weird? Probably

I wouldn't even go that far. You have ancestors who had 2 or 3 kids by the time they were that age and managed an entire household, cooked 3 meals a day, did all of laundry, ground their own grain into flour, sewed and repaired the whole family's clothes, were on their knees scrubbing the wood floors with borax, etc. We all do. Every single last one of us has ancestors, and a fucking lot of them, who were having whole families by 14,15,16,etc. And not just 10,000 years ago. More like 90 years ago. 17yos were fully capable adults for 99% of human history worldwide. The fact that the West in the past 100 years has infantilized them is the weird abnormality.

Ever single human male from 100,000BC until like 1920, had considered a 17yo woman to be fair game. The fact that in the West we just suddenly and arbitrarily decided "you can't do that anymore. You can't think that anymore" is the weird thing.

Your great grandma, my great grandma, all of our great grandmas would be thinking "a 17yo? Where was her husband? Why didn't he stop her from talking to another man?". They sure as shit wouldn't think he's weird for talking to her.

6 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Is it weird? Probably

I wouldn't even go that far. You have ancestors who had 2 or 3 kids by the time they were that age and managed an entire household, cooked 3 meals a day, did all of laundry, ground their own grain into flour, sewed and repaired the whole family's clothes, were on their knees scrubbing the wood floors with borax, etc. We all do. Every single last one of us has ancestors, and a fucking lot of them, who were having whole families by 14,15,16,etc. And not just 10,000 years ago. More like 90 years ago. 17yos were fully capable adults for 99% of human history worldwide. The fact that the West in the past 100 years has infantilized them is the weird abnormality.

Ever single human male from 100,000BC until like 1920, had considered a 17yo woman to be fair game. The fact that in the West we just suddenly and arbitrarily decided "you can't do that anymore. You can't think that anymore" is the weird thing.

6 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Is it weird? Probably

I wouldn't even go that far. You have ancestors who had 2 or 3 kids by the time they were that age and managed an entire household, cooked 3 meals a day, did all of laundry, ground their own grain into flour, sewed and repaired the whole family's clothes, were on their knees scrubbing the wood floors with borax, etc. We all do. Every single last one of us has ancestors, and a fucking lot of them, who were having whole families by 14,15,16,etc. And not just 10,000 years ago. More like 90 years ago. 17yos were fully capable adults for 99% of human history worldwide. The fact that the West in the past 100 years has infantilized them is the weird abnormality.

6 days ago
1 score