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Why would their home country want them back? They are only given such free reign because they send back massive amounts of money to bolster the economy.

Frankly, it wouldn't matter. I don't know many countries that try to stop their own citizens from re-entering their own country. There's no good way to stop illegals from returning, without stopping normal businessmen returning. Not unless there's some sort of Guatemalan TSA Pre-Check that I don't know about. And frankly, most of them go back pretty regularly anyway. They'll swing back and forth to go visit family and friends.

The free money sponsored the trip, but that idea is why they chose to go on it in the first place.

You're confusing people who want money with people who want to genuinely leave their country for a better place. They already constantly go back. Normally for weddings, holidays, sometimes to see families, they stay on the phone and want to hear about the latest news and drama. They are still fully invested in their home country, they just want to bring back remittances (whether legal or illegal). The vast majority of the time, their home countries are not shitty for them and their standards, which is why they replicate it as soon as they get here. These people don't want to leave their country, and think that their country is better anyway.

Put it like this, Somalians are leaving London to return to Somalia because it's safer. They're not doing it by boat, they're just buying a flight and going home. The boat migrant thing is just a procedural matter. Only the jihadis have an interest in Islamifying England into Shamal Al-Andalus. Most of the people themselves don't give a fuck about anyone, and want some cash that they otherwise might struggle to get (because someone might actually demand they work for money in Somalia)

Even if the gravy train of welfare and benefits ran out, there would always be guys like I mentioned above able to get them a life here that is still leagues above back home, even if its slavery relative to the rest of us. All that would happen is they would start turning on each other for the slimmer pickings instead of constantly trying to multiply.

And that's why we should go after the employers as hard as possible. That's the beauty of the prisoners' dilemma. We want them to turn on each other for lessened sentences.

12 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Why would their home country want them back? They are only given such free reign because they send back massive amounts of money to bolster the economy.

Frankly, it wouldn't matter. I don't know many countries that try to stop their own citizens from re-entering their own country. There's no good way to stop illegals from returning, without stopping normal businessmen returning. Not unless there's some sort of Guatemalan TSA Pre-Check that I don't know about. And frankly, most of them go back pretty regularly anyway. They'll swing back and forth to go visit family and friends.

The free money sponsored the trip, but that idea is why they chose to go on it in the first place.

You're confusing people who want money with people who want to genuinely leave their country for a better place. They already constantly go back. Normally for weddings, holidays, sometimes to see families, they stay on the phone and want to hear about the latest news and drama. They are still fully invested in their home country, they just want to bring back remittances (whether legal or illegal). The vast majority of the time, their home countries are not shitty for them and their standards, which is why they replicate it as soon as they get here. These people don't want to leave their country, and think that their country is better anyway.

Put it like this, Somalians are leaving London to return to Somalia because it's safer. They're not doing it by boat, they're just buying a flight and going home. The boat migrant thing is just a procedural matter. Only the jihadis have an interest in Islamifying England into North Al-Andalus. Most of the people themselves don't give a fuck about anyone, and want some cash that they otherwise might struggle to get (because someone might actually demand they work for money in Somalia)

Even if the gravy train of welfare and benefits ran out, there would always be guys like I mentioned above able to get them a life here that is still leagues above back home, even if its slavery relative to the rest of us. All that would happen is they would start turning on each other for the slimmer pickings instead of constantly trying to multiply.

And that's why we should go after the employers as hard as possible. That's the beauty of the prisoners' dilemma. We want them to turn on each other for lessened sentences.

12 days ago
1 score