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I should be clear I have not worked directly in the industry so I can't comment on specifics. What people don't realise is I do chat to people here and also have chatted to professionals in the past and word is down the grapevine it's pretty much exactly as you describe.

Maybe not the attitude of artists, however the running gag among devs is that they basically hire 100 artists then there's one guy in a laptop hidden in a closet writing code on Linux so it's not far off. What will become more and more obvious thanks to Unreal especially yes, most of the people involved in the programming aspect are going to be the equivalent of script kiddies who know just enough to occasionally fix things if there's some silly bug or they'll be able to tweak code left behind by previous generations of programmers.

What happens a lot in the AAA studios is you have some very clever people who made some great titles and maybe even did their own internal game engine to get where they are today. The wokesters and other actual retard programmers took over and they have no idea how to mess with any of the back end so they're working with increasingly buggy and out of date software.

I think there's no better examples of this than Bethesda and how long they relied on Gamebryo Engine ( Don't worry guys I know they switched to the Creation Engine recently for the lot of good that did them ) and then Rockstar Studios with how long they've been using whatever weird internal tools for GTA V and never fixing problems that have existed now for longer than a decade and a bit.

16 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

I should be clear I have not worked directly in the industry so I can't comment on specifics. What people don't realise is I do chat to people here and also have chatted to professionals in the past and word is down the grapevine it's pretty much exactly as you describe.

Maybe not the attitude of artists, however the running gag among devs is that they basically hire 100 artists then there's one guy in a laptop hidden in a closet writing code on Linux so it's not far off. What will become more and more obvious thanks to Unreal especially yes, most of the people involved in the programming aspect are going to be the equivalent of script kiddies who know just enough to occasionally fix things if there's some silly bug or they'll be able to tweak code left behind by previous generations of programmers.

What happens a lot in the AAA studios is you have some very clever people who made some great titles and maybe even did their own internal game engine to get where they are today. The wokesters and other actual retard programmers took over and they have no idea how to mess with any of the back end so they're working with increasingly buggy and out of date software.

I think there's no better examples of this than Bethesda and how long they relied on Gamebryo Engine ( Don't worry guys I know they switched to the Creation Engine recently for the lot of good that did them ) and then Rockstar Studios with how long they've been using whatever weird internal tools for GTA V and never fixing problems that have existed now for longer than a decade and a bit.

16 days ago
1 score