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The Butkers speech also demonstrate that liberal / progressives are done pretending that they're OK with people having beliefs outside progressive dogma. As I understand it, this guy was a orthodox Catholic giving a speech to a group of orthodox Catholics. Nothing he said was outside Catholic moral teachings. He was preaching to the choir. For all intents and purposes this was privately held beliefs shared with likeminded people; now a large portion of the populace would like to see him destroyed.

Reddit types like to pretend that the idea of religious persecution of Christians is laughable nonsense, but its been pretty common over the last couple of centuries if the social conditions were right: a revolutionary/reformist/progressive government taking a heavy hand into the running to a society. See: French Revolution, Bolsheviks, the Spanish civil war, and even (close to home) the Christeros War in Mexico. Given that LGBTQ / Feminism/ BLM essentially comprise a state religion at this point, we are already seeing attacks on those outside the cathedral.

41 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

The Butkers speech also demonstrate that liberal / progressives are done pretending that they're OK with people having beliefs outside progressive dogma. As I understand it, this guy was a orthodox Catholic giving a speech to a group of orthodox Catholics. Nothing he said was outside Catholic moral teachings. He was preaching to the choir. For all intents and purposes this was privately held beliefs shared with likeminded people; now a large portion of the populace would like to see him destroyed.

Reddit types like to pretend that the idea of religious persecution of Christians is laughable nonsense, but its been pretty common over the last couple of centuries if the social conditions were right: a revolutionary/reformist/progressive government taking a heavy hand into the running to a society. See: French Revolution, Bolsheviks, and even (close to home) the Christeros War in Mexico. Given that LGBTQ / Feminism/ BLM essentially comprise a state religion at this point, we are already seeing attacks on those outside the cathedral.

41 days ago
1 score