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Please explain why Trump didn't get the border wall built.

The right is allergic to power. Bitch McConnell refused to use the nuclear option. Trump didn't put Hillary in jail, build a border wall, or get us out of Afghanistan. Jeff Sessions recused himself immediately upon getting the Attorney General position. Bush Jr. signed the Patriot Act. Ronald Regan signed amnesty in exchange for farts in the wind and signed the Hughes Amendment. Nixon established the fucking EPA and signed the Endangered Species Act, pushed desegregation, lifted the trade embargo on China and established the Office of Minority Business Enterprise, creating affirmative action. Eisenhower backstabbed McCarthy, signed the Civil Rights Act and the Refugee Relief Act, destabilized the middle east for Israel, and expanded Social(ist) Security.

I could go on and on, but quite frankly it should be obvious that the right are more of a danger to freedom than the left, because they keep doing what the left wants instead of refusing. Every tool the left uses to crush the right, the right gave them. And it never was a case of the right creating the tool and then using it. They always created the tools explicitly for the left to use. How else can you explain the Civil Rights Act, the EPA, Affirmative Action or the Patriot Act. They keep compromising and negotiating instead of USING POWER.

The right are the designated losers. So, keep losing. Just don't bring whites down with you on your society wide suicide.

45 days ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Please explain why Trump didn't get the border wall built.

The right is allergic to power. Bitch McConnell refused to use the nuclear option. Trump didn't put Hillary in jail, build a border wall, or get us out of Afghanistan. Jeff Sessions recused himself immediately upon getting the Attorney General position. Bush Jr. singed the Patriot Act. Ronald Regan signed amnesty in exchange for farts in the wind and signed the Hughes Amendment. Nixon established the fucking EPA and signed the Endangered Species Act, pushed desegregation, lifted the trade embargo on China and established the Office of Minority Business Enterprise, creating affirmative action. Eisenhower backstabbed McCarthy, signed the Civil Rights Act and the Refugee Relief Act, destabilized the middle east for Israel, and expanded Social(ist) Security.

I could go on and on, but quite frankly it should be obvious that the right are more of a danger to freedom than the left, because they keep doing what the left wants instead of refusing. Every tool the left uses to crush the right, the right gave them. And it never was a case of the right creating the tool and then using it. They always created the tools explicitly for the left to use. How else can you explain the Civil Rights Act, the EPA, Affirmative Action or the Patriot Act. They keep compromising and negotiating instead of USING POWER.

The right are the designated losers. So, keep losing. Just don't bring whites down with you on your society wide suicide.

45 days ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Please explain why Trump didn't get the border wall built.

The right is allergic to power. Bitch McConnell refused to use the nuclear option. Trump didn't put Hillary in jail, build a border wall, or get us out of Afghanistan. Jeff Sessions recused himself immediately upon getting the Attorney General position. Bush Jr. singed the Patriot Act. Ronald Regan signed amnesty in exchange for farts in the wind and signed the Hughes Amendment. Nixon established the fucking EPA and signed the Endangered Species Act, pushed desegregation, lifted the trade embargo on China and established the Office of Minority Business Enterprise, creating affirmative action. Eisenhower backstabbed McCarthy, signed the Civil Rights Act and the Refugee Relief Act, destabilized the middle east for Israel, and expanded Social(ist) Security.

I could go on and on, but quite frankly it should be obvious that the right are more of a danger to freedom than the left, because they keep doing what the left wants instead of refusing. They keep compromising and negotiating instead of USING POWER.

The right are the designated losers. So, keep losing. Just don't bring whites down with you on your society wide suicide.

45 days ago
1 score