And we also can't discuss that using the theory of evolution that the left loves so much, its not much of a stretch to say that races who evolved in colder climates and had to deal with harsh winters, are better at long term planning due to the fact that all those who could not plan for the winter, died out from lack of food.
And we also can't discuss that using the theory of evolution that the left loves so much, its not much of a stretch to say that races who evolved in colder climates and had to deal with harsh winters, are better at long term planning due to the fact that those who could not plan for the winter, died out from lack of food.
And we also can't discuss that using the theory of evolution that the left loves so much, its not much of a stretch to say that races who evolved in colder climates and had to deal with harsh winters, are better at long term planning due to the fact that those who could not plan for the winter, died out from lack of shelter or lack of food.
And we also can't discuss that using the theory of evolution that the left loves so much, its not much of a stretch to say that races who evolved in colder climates and had to deal with harsh winters, are better at long term planning due to the fact that those who could not plan for the winter, died out from cold or food scarcity.