Women are inherently conformist. Much of their existence depends on support and acknowledgment by wider society. Any "dissident" woman has to constantly fight against this basic truth and the smallest reason can and will often lead to them "returning to the fold". Just look up statistics on collaboraters with the Stasi, the Cheka or any other secret police in history. A disproportionate amount were female.
That's also the reason why we see so many feminized men, colloquially known as "soy boys", showing the same behavior.
Women are inherently conformist. Much of their existence depends on support and acknowledgment of wider society. Any "dissident" woman has to constantly fight against this basic truth and the smallest reason can and will often lead to them "returning to the fold". Just look up statistics on collaboraters with the Stasi, the Cheka or any other secret police in history. A disproportionate amount were female.
That's also the reason why we see so many feminized men, colloquially known as "soy boys", showing the same behavior.