Someone who lost everything from bacd luck but has a half-decent moral character, a brain, and dosen't do drugs, can apply for wellfare, go to a food bank, and have basic necessities covered.
Now if the instant the cash drops to the account, purshases of alchool, luxury junkfood, cigarettes and drugs start, yeah you'll be in trouble constantly. By your own actions.
I have little sympathy for wellfare crocodile tears. I've been lied-to way too much by the media and activists to believe them on the subject.
I'm poor, but not on wellfare. I carefully check for grocery rebates, don't waste a dime on alchool/smokes/drugs, haven't seen a dentist in a decade and my glasses will be old enough to vote soon.
Wellfare crybabies piss me off so much.
Someone who lost everything from back luck but has a half-decent moral character, a brain, and dosen't do drugs, can apply for wellfare, go to a food bank, and have basic necessities covered.
Now if the instant the cash drops to the account, purshases of alchool, luxury junkfood, cigarettes and drugs start, yeah you'll be in trouble constantly. By your own actions.
I have little sympathy for wellfare crocodile tears. I've been lied-to way too much by the media and activists to believe them on the subject.
I'm poor, but not on wellfare. I carefully check for grocery rebates, don't waste a dime on alchool/smokes/drugs, haven't seen a dentist in a decade and my glasses will be old enough to vote soon.
Wellfare crybabies piss me off so much.
Someone who lost everything from back luck but has a half-decent moral character, a brain, and dosen't do drugs, can apply for wellfare, go to a food bank, and have basic necessities covered.
Now if the instant the cash drops to the account, purshases of alchool, luxury junkfood, cigarettes and drugs start, yeah you'll be in trouble constantly. By your own actions.
I have little sympathy for wellfare crocodile tears. I've been lied-to way too much by the media and activists to believe them on the subject.
I'm poor, but not on wellfare. I carefully check for grocery rebates, don't waste a dime on alchool/smokes/drugs, haven't seen a dentist in a decade and gmy glasses will be old enough to vote soon.
Wellfare crybabies piss me off so much.
Someone who lost everything from back luck but has a half-decent moral character, a brain, and dosen't do drugs, can apply for wellfare, go to a food bank, and have basic necessities covered.
Now if the instant the cash drops to the account, purshases of alchool, luxury junkfood, cigarettes and drugs start, yeah you'll be in trouble constantly. By your own actions.
I have little sympathy for wellfare crocodile tears. I've been lied-to way too much by the media and activists to believe them on the subject.