We don't have to hold any character to artificial beauty standards
We don't have to do the opposite either.
Argumenter is strawmanning disagreers by conflating beauty with sexuality and calling them simplistic horndogs.
Men are made to labor and sacrifice, but as humans they are also selfish beings. Nature requires men to be willing to sacrifice themselves for their women, therefore female beauty necessarily represents in the eyes of men everything that is good in the world; that is, everything that is worth dying for. It transcends mere sexuality. Female beauty is inspiring and sorely needed as an abstract reminder that the sufferings that men must bear are worthwhile because there are good things in the world.
Most healthy people prefer their art beautiful.
We don't have to hold any character to artificial beauty standards
We don't have to do the opposite either.
Argumenter is strawmanning disagreers by conflating beauty with sexuality and calling them simplistic horndogs.
Men are made to labor and sacrifice, but as humans they are also selfish beings. Nature requires men to be willing to sacrifice themselves for their women, therefore female beauty represents in the eyes of men everything that is good in the world: everything that is worth dying for. It transcends mere sexuality. Beauty is inspiring and sorely needed as a reminder that the sufferings that men must bear are worthwhile.
I prefer my art beautiful.
We don't have to hold any character to artificial beauty standards
We don't have to do the opposite either.
Argumenter is strawmanning disagreers by conflating beauty with sexuality and calling them simplistic horndogs.
Men are made to labor and sacrifice, but as humans they are also selfish beings. Nature requires men to be willing to sacrifice themselves for their women, therefore female beauty represents in the eyes of men everything that is good in the world: everything that is worth dying for. Beauty is inspiring and sorely needed as a reminder of that which transcends the sufferings that men must bear.
I prefer my art beautiful.
We don't have to hold any character to artificial beauty standards
We don't have to do the opposite either.
Argumenter is strawmanning disagreers by conflating beauty with sexuality and calling them simplistic horndogs.
Men are made to labor and sacrifice, but as humans they are also selfish beings. Nature requires men to be willing to sacrifice themselves for their women, therefore female beauty represents in the eyes of men everything that is good in the world: everything that is worth dying for. Beauty is inspiring and sorely needed as a reminder of that which transcends the sufferings that men must bear.
I prefer my art beautiful.
We don't have to hold any character to artificial beauty standards
We don't have to do the opposite either.
Argumenter is strawmanning everyone by conflating beauty with sexuality and essentially calling the audience simplistic horndogs. I prefer my art beautiful.