It's there to consume, yes, but the lamentation is not having the opportunity to grow up with the medium. Having it be appart of their growing minds and settled in that comfy state of nostalgic remembrance. Ocorena of Time is still great, but people liking it now that didn't play it as a kid might not have the same appreciation and adoration. as one born in the late 80s to early 90s. A kid's view vs an adults on a game will be wildly different. What might seem mysterious and insurmountable will instead be viewed as mundane and casually attainable.
It's there to consume, yes, but the lamentation is not having the opportunity to grow up with the medium. Having it be appart of their growing minds and settled in that comfy state of nostalgic remembrance. Ocorena of Time is still great, but people liking it now that didn't play it as a kid might not have the same appreciation as one born in the late 80s to early 90s.