You know how people quit bosses and not companies? It's the same thing with companies they do business with. I got my first credit card through BoA and I really liked the guy who helped me through the process. I had issues with my ID due to a move and he made a joke about voter ID. So sometimes the guy you work with might be based even if he works for a pozzed company. If I knew then what I know now I never would have gone with BoA but it would be retarded to ditch the card right now because of how credit works. I'd never bank with them though. You can get much better service and interest rates with a local credit union.
You know how people don't quit companies but they quit bosses? It's the same thing with companies they do business with. I got my first credit card through BoA and I really liked the guy who helped me through the process. I had issues with my ID due to a move and he made a joke about voter ID. So sometimes the guy you work with might be based even if he works for a pozzed company. If I knew then what i know now I never would have gone with BoA but it would be retarded to ditch the card right now because of how credit works. I'd never bank with them though. You can get much better service and interest rates with a local credit union.