America constantly uses the Veto power in the UN to protect israel . And now they are crying the one time America doesn't? they really act like an entitled spoilt brat. And they are upset that people simply asked them to stop slaughtering innocents indiscriminately? And its really a jew vs jew thing considering Biden's administration is full of jews
America constantly uses the Veto power in the UN to protect israel . And now they are crying the one time America doesn't? And they are upset that people simply asked them to stop slaughtering innocents indiscriminately?
America constantly uses the Veto power in the UN to protect israel . And now they are crying the one time America doesn't? Israel really does behave like a spoilt entitled brat. And they are upset that people simply asked them to stop slaughtering innocents indiscriminately? And this is a jew vs jew thing anyways considering Biden's administration is full of jews
America constantly uses the Veto power in the UN to protect israel . And now they are crying the one time America doesn't? Israel really does behave like a spoilt entitled brat. And this is a jew vs jew thing anyways considering Biden's administration is full of jews