The left realized long ago that they must cloak their subversive intentions beneath reductive concepts that are highly defensible. The public rejected leftist ideology, so now they must be manipulated and coerced into accepting it. The Marxists were not shy about the fact that the greatest obstacle to their ascension was the average Joe. That’s why their language and their advocacy is so hostile towards the general population.
The leftist misdirect that I constantly chirp about is Disparate Impact Theory, which pretends to investigate the root causes of the disparate outcomes between different identity groups. It sounds like a good idea on paper, but it’s a total scam in reality. Leftists preemptively rule out any explanation other than discrimination, and so their investigations only discover discrimination as the culprit. It’s all a disingenuous ruse designed to end up at exactly one place: communism.
Representation in media is the same deal. It sounds like a good idea, but it’s really just a means to circumvent free markets and enforce unpopular ideas and aesthetics from the top down. People voted - with their wallets - for attractive characters and fun games. Leftists hated the results of this free market, so they captured the media surrounding the industry and used it to promote and enforce their preferred standards. Just a bunch of communists circumventing organic consumer behavior.
Now we have ESG/Blackrock, another carefully crafted misdirect, enforcing leftist ideology from the very top down. Consumers didn’t ask for this. Larry Fink and his friends are forcing their preferences and standards onto consumers who never agreed to any of this. The elites, too, are not shy about their intentions; Fink himself is on video talking about forcing behavior.
The new authoritarianism is more subtle and complex than past iterations. They are steadily narrowing your available choices over time until all that’s left is a few flavors of the same Marxism. It’s very difficult to fight.
The left realized long ago that they must cloak their subversive intentions beneath reductive concepts that are highly defensible. The public rejected leftist ideology, so now they must be manipulated and coerced into accepting it. The Marxists were not shy about the fact that the greatest obstacle to their ascension was the average Joe. That’s why their language and their advocacy is so hostile towards the general population.
The leftist misdirect that I constantly chirp about is Disparate Impact Theory, which pretends to investigate the root causes of the disparate outcomes between different identity groups. It sounds like a good idea on paper, but it’s a total scam in reality. Leftists preemptively rule out any explanation other than discrimination, and so their investigations only discover discrimination as the culprit. It’s all a disingenuous ruse.
Representation in media is the same deal. It sounds like a good idea, but it’s really just a means to circumvent free markets and enforce unpopular ideas and aesthetics from the top down. People voted - with their wallets - for attractive characters and fun games. Leftists hated the results of this free market, so they captured the media surrounding the industry and used it to promote and enforce their preferred standards. Just a bunch communists circumventing organic consumer behavior.
Now we have ESG/Blackrock, another carefully crafted misdirect, enforcing leftist ideology from the very top down. Consumers didn’t ask for this. Larry Fink and his friends are forcing their preferences and standards onto consumers who never agreed to any of this. The elites are are steadily narrowing your available choices over time until all that’s left will be false flavors of the same leftism.