Wait, are they showing that thing with the body cosmetic piece from a female skin and the head from the male skin (they are interchangeable) and then complaining that doing so is blahblahphobic?
This is old news for these characters but that this one has male and female sets with interchangeable pieces is new. They're just exploiting this feature and odd choice to invent some grievous offense.
Wait, are they showing that thing with the body cosmetic piece from a female skin and the head from the male skin (they are interchangeable) and then complaining that you can do that?
This is old news for these characters but that this one has male and female sets with interchangeable pieces is new. They're just exploiting this feature and odd choice to invent some grievous offense.
Wait, are they showing that thing with the body cosmetic piece from a female skin and the head from the male skin (they are interchangeable) and then complaining that you can do that?
This is old news for these characters but that this one has male and female sets with interchangeable pieces is new. They're just exploiting this feature and odd choice to invent some grievous offense.
Wait, are they showing that thing with the body cosmetic piece from a female skin and the head from the male skin (they are interchangeable) and then complaining that you can do that?
This is old news for these characters but that this one has male and female sets with interchangeable pieces is new. They're just exploiting this feature and odd choice to invent some grievous offense.
Wait, are they showing that thing with the body cosmetic piece from a female skin and the head from the male skin (they are interchangeable) and then complaining that you can do that?
This is old news for these characters but that this one has male and female sets with interchangeable pieces is new. They're just exploiting this feature to invent some grievous offense.
Wait, are they showing that thing with the body cosmetic piece from a female skin and the head from the male skin (they are interchangeable) and then complaining that you can do that?
This is old news for these characters but that this one has male and female sets with interchangeable pieces is new. They're just exploiting this feature to invent some grievous offense.