The Egyptians who live there now very much insist that they are the same people as the ancient Egyptians, and claim all of the glories of that culture as their own.
This includes everything between now and then as well. They love Mohammed Ali, for example, because he was a strong ruler of Egypt. Nevermind the fact that he was actually Albanian.
This also extends to the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium in Sudan in the 19th and 20th centuries. There is a huge map on the wall in their Foregin Office showing everything Egypt used to "rule," and all of Sudan is included in this. Because they were co-rulers of it with the UK, and in their heads, they were totally 50% of why that was ever a thing. 🙄
At the same time, they strongly identify as Arabs, and are very prideful of that, as well.
The Egyptians who live there now very much insist that they are the same people as the ancient Egyptians, and claim all of the glories of that culture as their own.
This includes everything between now and then as well. They love Mohammed Ali, for example, because he was a strong ruler of Egypt. Nevermind the fact that he was actually Albanian.
This also extends to the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium in Sudan in the 19th century. There is a huge map on the wall in their Foregin Office showing everything Egypt used to "rule," and all of Sudan is included in this. Because they were co-rulers of it with the UK, and in their heads, they were totally 50% of why that was ever a thing. 🙄
At the same time, they strongly identify as Arabs, and are very prideful of that, as well.
The Egyptians who live there now very much insist that they are the same people as the ancient Egyptians, and claim all of the glories of that culture as their own.
At the same time, they strongly identify as Arabs, and are very prideful of that, as well.