To some peasant from 1850, a wellfare leech who took a shower and put on second-hand clean clothes would seem like a lazy rich with their silly fashion high quality fabric, living-off some nobility pension. They even get carted-around the city by weather-proof big charriots! Wow!
Running hot water? Your living quarters are heated?! Magic lights? A matress and high quality sheets? The circus / theater, music / in a box with dozens of choices to watch free? You're living like a lazy king!
I can hardly imagine how some 60 IQ slave would percieve this beyond "fat = well fed, dosen't have to work, gets stuff for free".
To some peasant from 1850, a wellfare leech who took a shower and put on second-hand clean clothes would seem like a lazy rich with their silly fashion high quality fabric, living-off some nobility pension. They even get carted-around the city by weather-proof big charriots! Wow!
Running hot water? Your living quarters are heated?! Magic lights? The circus / theater, music / in a box with dozens of choices to watch free? You're living like a lazy king!
I can hardly imagine how some 60 IQ slave would percieve this beyond "fat = well fed, dosen't have to work, gets stuff for free".
To some peasant from 1850, a wellfare leech who took a shower and put on second-hand clean clothes would seem like a lazy rich with their silly fashion high quality fabric, living-off some nobility pension. They even get carted-around the city by weather-proof big charriots! Wow!
I can hardly imagine how some 60 IQ slave would percieve this beyond "fat = well fed, dosen't have to work, gets stuff for free".