You're not getting it, if you don't count the issues feminism creates artificially - this is the most common issue guys face.
Many white girls are stick in the toddler phase of emotional development, and it is incredibly unnappealling. Romantically. Sexually. Nothing kills that sexual buildup like your brain registering them as a toddler.
It's like a have these seas of white girls who should be attractive...but...they aren't.
You're not getting it, if you don't count the issues feminism creates artificially - this is the most common issue guys face.
Many white girls are stick in the toddler phase of emotional development, and it is incredibly unnappealling. Romantically. Sexually.
This is the actual problem the average guy faces. These wimen should be appealling because if their age, normal body and looks, etc. But because if something in our culture they just aren't.