Every single person who has ever sincerely said "from the river to the sea" should never have access to credit cards, bank accounts, or the internet again. Not because I'm particularly fond of Israel or anything, just because 100% of them are violent communists and it's a rare instance where some of the smarter ones drop the facades they usually maintain to keep normal people from noticing them.
EDIT: Sincere lmfao at the raged out retards who could not successfully read and comprehend all two sentences in this post due to it mentioning Israel and shorting them out.
Every single person who has ever sincerely said "from the river to the sea" should never have access to credit cards, bank accounts, or the internet again. Not because I'm particularly fond of Israel or anything, just because 100% of them are violent communists and it's a rare instance where some of the smarter ones drop the facades they usually maintain to keep normal people from noticing them.
EDIT: Sincere lmfao at the raged out retards who could not successfully read and comprehend all three sentences in this post due to it mentioning Israel and shorting them out.
Every single person who has ever sincerely said "from the river to the sea" should never have access to credit cards, bank accounts, or the internet again. Not because I'm particularly fond of Israel or anything, just because 100% of them are violent communists and it's a rare instance where some of the smarter ones drop the facades they usually maintain to keep normal people from noticing them.