There's a great irony of this useful idiot having a tweet about Emmett Till under this.
A woman falsely accuses a black man, yet white men are to blame for believing her - but we're supposed to believe women, according to the people pushing BLM, who are all women themselves, supposedly fighting a male issue, by blaming the only group that stands in the way of their power, but that's of course a coincidence and they deeply care about these black men.
God, that logic is even more tortured than Donna Hylton's victim.
There's a great irony of this useful idiot having a tweet about Emmett Till under this.
A woman falsely accuses a black man, yet white men are to blame for believing her - but we're supposed to believe women, according to the people pushing BLM, who are all women themselves, ironically.
God, that logic is even more tortured than Donna Hylton's victim.