conceding is not somethimg predictable ando then saying "it will get worse" with such certainty?
Because literally look around you, in fact, look at why this website was even made to begin with. Do you feel in control? Idiot. This is the agenda of our current regime at play. They want far more of this, and this is why commies control your subs. They are in every nook and every cranny.
Because you sound like that scumbag breadtuber who claims he listened to Peterson once and was saved from le alt-right rabbithole because of the left.
Except this rabbithole absolutely exists, and again, I reiterate, look around you retard.
Are you a schizo or are you trolling? Who am I samefagging?
You and mongoose seem to share the same manner of speaking, the same timezone, and the same habit of clinging and tunneling to a suspicious degree. Anyone else would have just moved on.
conceding is not somethimg predictable ando then saying "it will get worse" with such certainty?
Because literally look around you, in fact, look at why this website was even made to begin with. Do you feel in control? Idiot. This is the agenda of our current regime at play. They want far more of this.
Because you sound like that scumbag breadtuber who claims he listened to Peterson once and was saved from le alt-right rabbithole because of the left.
Except this rabbithole absolutely exists, and again, I reiterate, look around you retard.
Are you a schizo or are you trolling? Who am I samefagging?
You and mongoose seem to share the same manner of speaking, the same timezone, and the same habit of clinging and tunneling to a suspicious degree. Anyone else would have just moved on.
conceding is not somethimg predictable ando then saying "it will get worse" with such certainty?
Because literally look around you, in fact, look at why this website was even made to begin with. Do you feel in control? Idiot. This is the agenda of our current regime at play.
Because you sound like that scumbag breadtuber who claims he listened to Peterson once and was saved from le alt-right rabbithole because of the left.
Except this rabbithole absolutely exists, and again, I reiterate, look around you retard.
Are you a schizo or are you trolling? Who am I samefagging?
You and mongoose seem to share the same manner of speaking, the same timezone, and the same habit of clinging and tunneling to a suspicious degree. Anyone else would have just moved on.
conceding is not somethimg predictable ando then saying "it will get worse" with such certainty?
Because literally look around you, in fact, look at why this website was even made to begin with. Do you feel in control? Idiot.
Because you sound like that scumbag breadtuber who claims he listened to Peterson once and was saved from le alt-right rabbithole because of the left.
Except this rabbithole absolutely exists, and again, I reiterate, look around you retard.
Are you a schizo or are you trolling? Who am I samefagging?
You and mongoose seem to share the same manner of speaking, the same timezone, and the same habit of clinging and tunneling to a suspicious degree. Anyone else would have just moved on.
conceding is not somethimg predictable ando then saying "it will get worse" with such certainty?
Because literally look around you, in fact, look at why this website was even made to begin with. Do you feel in control? Idiot.
Because you sound like that scumbag breadtuber who claims he listened to Peterson once and was saved from le alt-right rabbithole because of the left.
Except this rabbithole absolutely exists, and again, I reiterate, look around you retard.
Are you a schizo or are you trolling? Who am I samefagging?
You and mongoose seem to share the same manner of speaking, the same timezone, and the same habit of tunneling to a suspicious degree. Anyone else would have just moved on.
conceding is not somethimg predictable ando then saying "it will get worse" with such certainty?
Because literally look around you, in fact, look at why this website was even made to begin with. Do you feel in control? Idiot.
Because you sound like that scumbag breadtuber who claims he listened to Peterson once and was saved from le alt-right rabbithole because of the left.
Except this rabbithole absolutely exists, and again, I reiterate, look around you retard.
Are you a schizo or are you trolling? Who am I samefagging?
You and mongoose seem to share the same manner of speaking, the same timezone, and the same habit of tunneling.