Yeah but women don't hate sluts for the right reasons even though hating sluts is good. Women hate sluts out of jealousy and because women believe sluts devalue them so they will have a harder time exploiting men for their own gain. Women understand supply/demand and they know when you reduce supply you increase the price and women want the supply of sex reduced so they can get higher prices from men. It's all about benefiting women to the detriment of men.
Yeah but women don't hate sluts for the right reasons even though hating sluts is good. Women hate sluts out of jealousy and because women believe sluts devalue them so they will have a harder time exploiting men for their own game. Women understand supply/demand and they know when you reduce supply you increase the price and women want the supply of sex reduced so they can get higher prices from men. It's all about benefiting women to the detriment of men.
Yeah but women don't hate sluts for the right reasons even though hating sluts is good. Women hate sluts out of jealousy.