the fact that these people cannot control themselves at work or even at the White House garden party thing (trans that flashed tits at the WH not long ago) is, I think, indicative of just how mental these jokers are. Like, why you gotta have gay sex (or any sex) in a meeting room at the US Capitol or walk around topless with your fake boobs in front of the White House.
WTF drives them to do this kind of stuff? No impulse control. Zero.
the fact that these people cannot control themselves at work or even at the White House (trans that flashed tits at the WH party not long ago) is, I think, indicative of just how mental these jokers are. Like, why you gotta have gay sex (or any sex) in a meeting room at the US Capitol or walk around topless with your fake boobs in front of the White House.
WTF drives them to do this kind of stuff? No impulse control. Zero.