Same thing on reddit -
When a trans man rapes a woman the reddit trans mods always HEAVILY moderate the comments to shape the narrative.
329 comments were posted, but only 100 of the comments were approved (probably certified trans accounts)
If you post ANYTHING, it will never appear to other users. You can verify this by right clicking and 'open in new brave browser tab via tor'. Reddit 2023 : "Free Speech* - *But Only if you have a history of covering up trans rapes"
Same thing on reddit -
When a trans man rapes a woman the reddit trans mods always HEAVILY moderate the comments to shape the narrative.
329 comments were posted, but only 100 of the comments were approved (probably certified trans accounts)
If you post ANYTHING, it will never appear to other users. You can spot this by right clicking and 'open in new brave browser tab via tor'. Reddit 2023 : "Free Speech* - *But Only if you have a history of covering up trans rapes"
Same thing on reddit -
When a trans man rapes a woman the reddit trans mods always HEAVILY moderate the comments to shape the narrative.
329 comments were posted, but only 100 of the comments were approved (probably certified trans accounts)