That very question is why, for the last 400 years, most Christians have insisted that Quakers aren't Christians.
The Religious Society of Friends formed in isolation from the rest of the continental protestants. George Fox's teachings really emphasized getting back to the TEACHINGS OF CHRIST, the four books, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and living those in practice. It was a very pragmatic, very ENGLISH approach to faith, focused on the world as it is and how it ought be, and our existence within it.
We're often contrasted with the Calvinists, who also don't say very much about the soul and the afterlife, but for radically different reasons. The Calvinists have a very pessimistic, very GERMAN way of approaching faith, and in their view, god's universe is determined. You have no possibility of knowing your standing with god.
That very question is why, for the last 400 years, most Christians have insisted that Quakers aren't Christians.
The Religious Society of Friends formed in isolation from the rest of the continental protestants. George Fox's teachings really emphasized getting back to the TEACHINGS OF CHRIST, the four books, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. and living those in practice. It was a very pragmatic, very ENGLISH approach to faith, focused on the world as it is and how it ought be, and our existence within it.
We're often contrasted with the Calvinists, who also don't say very much about the soul and the afterlife, but for radically different reasons. The Calvinists have a very pessimistic, very GERMAN way of approaching faith, and in their view, god's universe is determined. You have no possibility of knowing your standing with god.
That very question is why, for the last 400 years, most Christians have insisted that Quakers aren't Christians.
The Religious Society of Friends formed in isolation from the rest of the continental protestants. George Fox's teachings really emphasized getting back to the TEACHINGS OF CHRIST, the four books, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. and living those in practice. It was a very pragmatic, very ENGLISH approach to faith, focused on the world as it is and our existence within it.
We're often contrasted with the Calvinists, who also don't say very much about the soul and the afterlife, but for radically different reasons. The Calvinists have a very pessimistic, very GERMAN way of approaching faith, and in their view, god's universe is determined. You have no possibility of knowing your standing with god.