Everyone in here should have backup plans, I'm not talking about another job.
Have a place in a rural area, have ways to protect yourself, not just martial arts something with reach. Have some knowledge of how to provide such as basic cooking or even how to grow food.
These people are so incompetent and rather than admit their plans have failed, let it all burn. It wouldn't surprise me if all the useful idiots die first and their enforcers abandon posts to look after themselves.
Everyone in here should have backup plans, I'm not talking about another job.
Have a place in a rural area, have ways to protect yourself, not just martial arts something with reach. Have some knowledge of how to provide such as basic cooking or even how to grow food.
These people are so incompetent and rather than admit their plans have failed, let it all burn. It wouldn't surprise me if all the useful idiots die first and their enforces abandon posts to look.afyer themselves.