And that's why Malice Green got shot in my earlier story. It wasn't what he had in his hands, it was that he hid them. But that point, of course, got lost in the media noise. And that happened like a million years ago, the same shit is still happening. I guess blacks are just dumber than dogs, and can't learn, and it'll take 'em a few more generations to evolve to the point where they can, but that takes selection. As for the media, they've always been a bit of a cuntish lot. Fifth estate my ass, more like fifth columnists.
And that's why Malice Green got shot in my earlier story. It wasn't what he had in his hands, it was that he hid them. But that point, of course, got lost in the media noise. And that happened like a million years ago, the same shit is still happening. I guess blacks are just dumber than dogs, and can't learn, and it'll take 'em a few more generations to evolve to the point where they can, but that takes selection. As for the media, they've always been a bit of a cuntish lot.
And that's why Malice Green got shot in my earlier story. It wasn't what he had in his hands, it was that he hid them. But that point, of course, got lost in the media noise. And that happened like a million years ago, the same shit is still happening. I guess blacks are just dumber than dogs, and can't learn, and it'll take 'em a few more generations to evolve to the point where they can, but that takes selection.