feminism requires that woman must be identical to men
Claims about men bearing children follow from this basic assumption, as does the whole tranny social contagion.
As far as your point about men turning away from God, this is why I am gearing up to spend my final days in rural solitude, as an unaffiliated monk.
Excellent comment, btw. Much food for thought.
feminism requires that woman must be identical to men
Claims about men bearing children follow from this basic assumption, as does the whole tranny social contagion.
As far as your point about men turning away from God, this is why I am gearing up to spend my final days in rural solitude, as an unaffiliated Buddhist monk.
Excellent comment, btw. Much food for thought.
feminism requires that woman must be identical to men
Claims about men bearing children follow from this basic assumption, as does the whole tranny social contagion.
As far as your point about men turning away from God, this is why I am gearing up to spend my final days in rural solitude, as an unaffiliated Buddhist monk.
feminism requires that woman must be identical to men
Claims about men bearing children follow from this basic assumption, as does the whole tranny social contagion.