A youtube comment i once saw said that he was jewish and was the moderator of a European nationalist forum. Why are European/American forums always being moderated by jews or zionists?
A youtube comment i once saw said that he was jewish and was the moderator of a European nationalist forum. Why are European/American forums always being monitored by jews or zionists?
A youtube comment i once saw said that he was jewish and was the moderater of a European nationalist forum. Why are European/American forums always being monitored by jews or zionists?
A youtube comment i once saw said that he was jewish and was the monitor of a European nationalist forum. Why are European/American forums always being monitored by jews or zionists?
A youtube comment i once saw said that he was j.ewish and was the monitor of a European nationalist forum. Why are European/American forums always being monitored by jew.s or zionists?