Like literally every regime.
This coming from the same communist PR rep that claimed "Basically no one tries to eradicate the people he rules over...", that's rich. See, there's this bit about your kind I've learned. When you commie shills start using 'literally', that's a marker that your kind are being dishonest.
Nice try, but your argument falls flat when not every government in the world engaged in ethnic cleansing to get rid of undesirables. A nice lie to try and normalize genocide though, commie.
"Seethe" and "commie" seem to be the only words you know. Sort of like racist and bigot to a leftist.
That's because you've been ignoring everything I said thus far and nitpicking everything. Calling a spade a spade isn't a crime, you marxist piece of trash. Seethe, commie.
You generally make the claim that censorship is genocide to people who have logical faculties and who know anything about Russian history?
That's your claim, you dishonest commie propaganda mouthpiece, not mine. Stop twisting my words to try and silence conversation on your owners, "stalwart".
You asserted that earlier and were then unable to show anything of the sort, so congrats.
Your own posts are all that's needed to incriminate you.
They certainly weren't intentionally eradicating the entire people.
Oh so now its an unintentional genocide now that your bolshevik masters were caught. You communists are far worse than the nazis.
The political opposition, real and imagined, yes. But it's foolhardy to try to kill your own population.
The hubris of communism is not 'foolhardy', implying that it was made in error - it is completely intentional. And you're an absolute sleazebag for claiming that entire classes of people deemed "undesirables" by the communists are 'political opposition'.
You claim praise and then can't cite a single instance. Great job!
Says the commie PR shill.
You're trying pretty hard to divert from the fact that you've been desperately repeating bolshevik talking points when it came to covering up the genocide of the russian people.
Non sequitur.
A non sequitur is a statement that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, you faux intellectual. And trying to talk your way out of even acknowledging the genocides committed by bolsheviks is what you've been trying to do this whole time.
Typical of your kind to completely deny the crimes of your fellow bolsheviks.
It's funny that you've been reduced to just insulting. Not even an attempt to write an argument.
Says the commie cocksucker who's been repeatedly insulting me due to the fact you cannot respond to my arguments from the very start. What's the matter? You can dish it out, but you can't take it? Well whaddya know, you're a whiny, crybaby bitch and you deserve every insult.
Nor to defend how you embarrassed yourself by saying that you were 'invalidated' by disagreement.
I didn't embarrass myself - that whole thing is something you made up to try and derail what I had to say. Sucks to be you, that didn't work out either.
I'm "mad" that you're embarrassing yourself even further by being unable to produce even a shred of evidence for any of your claims.
Why not? You're just gonna run back to your demcast owners and try and censor anyone I cite, communist pig. I know your kind.
You do know that documents can't be burned over the internet, right? You just have none, despite claiming that your idiocy is 'well-documented'.
Your kind has infested and destroyed entire communities, websites and services for having information and discussion inconvenient to bolshevik narratives. Don't try to play dumb, you disgusting swine.
So why are they not banning those great works right now? Are they waiting for me to give the signal? Give it a rest. You can't produce any substantiation for your claims, because you have none.
See? Others have corroborated my argument despite how hard you claim my sources don't exist. You're just trying to silence anyone who speaks about it. You can whine about it if you want.
Yup, because you were echoing ultranationalist Ukrainian claims of 'genocide'.
And there you go calling every historian who dared to speak against bolshevik genocides 'ukrainian ultranationalists', you bolshevik vermin.
Actually, when you claim someone is making things up, you do have to point out what. I'm sorry to break the news. You are not very smart.
Says the drooling retard who runs PR for commies, unaware that they always kill the useful idiots first.
OK, so what was 'the definition' before and after?
The way you frame 'the definition' in quotes already tells me you're ready to suck up to the bolsheviks and argue in their favor.
Sorry, you're just a retard, and the only reason I'm conversing with you at all is because you amuse me.
Ha, don't lie. You're just here because you've lost too much social credit points and if you run now, your fellow commies are going to put you through a beating for 'suspected cowardice'.
You come across as pretty sad, angry and pathetic...
You're just saying that because I refuse to submit to your struggle session tactics, you pile of cockroach dirt.
Naming sources 'breaks' them? Huh.
It's a figure of speech. Oh wait, you communist bastards always silence the witnesses to your crimes.
You sure sound crazy enough to be one.
You're just mad that it took this long for you communists to infest the USA.
Cause you have none.
You corroborated my argument. Backpedaling in the span of a single post? That's almost impressive. Almost.
See, you just call everything you don't like "communist".
That's what they called themselves, you historical revisionist.
It's metaphorical... though I appreciate that you're not a glowie.
"Its metaphorical"? That's what you say in court after luring randoms into committing violence, huh?
But there is no US empire; just another country slowly succumbing to communist occupation.
So why are you defending the empire?
Project harder, fucktard. Also nice whataboutism, commie.
Which goes against your original claim that me saying that not all ukrainians are nazis somehow makes me pro-ukraine.
That wasn't my claim...
You commies can't go without lying at all, can you? That IS your claim. Just look at this thread.
which is why, like all your other claims, you can cite nothing in support of it. Do you really think anyone believes that all people in a given country (or in this case non-country) are Nazis? Such uniformity simply doesn't exist.
That 'uniformity' was something you pushed to silence any talk of genocide committed by bolsheviks, commie. Do you have the memory span of a fucking goldfish, you subhuman snotgobbler?
When did that happen? And who decides on 'the' definition of genocide?
Thank you for YET another demonstration of ignorance regarding bolshevik behavior in the early 20th century.
Nazi Germany is not despised because of "genocide" or other such silliness (which no one cares about, see the fate of the Armenians in 1915 and 2023), it's despised because it lost.
Nah. They lost and are despised because of their own idiotic policies that put them on a collapse course that would have happened even if WW2 never happened. Of course, those same policies were adapted in communist regimes, and you have to cover that up, commie.
It won't work.
By the way, just because you don't care about the Armenian genocide doesn't mean no one else cares. That's the sort of wretched dishonesty I've come to expect from your kind.
Had it been victorious, most people would now be praising the Nazis. If Stalin had lost, he and the Bolshies would be as despised as the Nazis are now.
More dishonest takes. Communists were successful in taking over several countries, but they were not praised. If anything, their obsession with exterminating those who they deemed "undesirables" made them even more hated when the purity spiral hit.
And there you go sinking your own lie that communism is a 'dead and gone' ideology. Congratulations.
Their ethnicity is 'Russian'. But they were not targeted on that basis, nor being white. So no genocide, you dishonest Blogist shill.
There is no ethnicity called 'russian', you dishonest chucklefuck.
They were targeted for genocide because they were "undesirables" to the bolsheviks. They were not political opposition like you falsely claimed, commie.
Marx and Engels did not run a communist regime, and it's noted that you did not show how they called for 'exterminating white people'.
They laid the foundations of how communist regimes should be run, and if you knew anything about marxist ideologies, you'd know what I was talking about. Of course, you know - and you cover up for them.
You are ridiculous.
To a commie, anyone who dares speak about their crimes is ridiculous. I savor your desperate screeching, maggot.
That's not what it says. Can you even read?
Why don't you backpedal your way across the Nile and whine a little more?
I like how you think that no one knows these people, no one has ever heard of any books,
Another lie. Why do you insist on dictating what I should think when you have no capacity to think at all?
and that even speaking their name will immediately lead to GULAGS and BOOK BANNINGS. Not sure who you expect to believe this.
That's how your kind has always acted. And continue to act even now.
NO WAY. I had no idea.
Don't lie, you crayon-fucking commie shill. You knew. You just had to direct attention away from bolshevik genocides by constantly bringing up Ukraine... and you fail at that too.
A lot of retards claim it was until 1991...
Paul Revere was long gone in 1991. See, that's how I know you're a deceit-laden communist propaganda mouthpiece that engages in constant historical revisionism.
Cause your "sources" are non-existent, like your intelligence... All your desperate attempts to explain why your "sources" are mega duper secret were ridiculous, much like you yourself are.
Another lie. I've seen how you treat anyone who disagrees with you, how you dehumanize them and their words simply because they speak a truth that you must slander and silence by any means necessary. You're an unbelievably stupid shitsack if you think I'll just let you dehumanize the people who have spoken out against bolshevik genocides.
Still, it's funny when you've accidentally mentioned some of my sources every now and then in the past, destroying your claim that my sources are non-existent. I suppose its a mistake on your behalf. How much social credit points will you lose for that?
I suggest that you search for the name 'Walter Duranty'... and look at who posted those threads.
I see you have the veneer of someone that tries to belong in this community - but get a thread going this far where a regular skim fails to perceive, and you turn out to be this disgusting communist shill that must downplay communist censorship, genocide and worse - all the while you hypocritically whine about the 'US Empire', ignoring the fact that it too, was the result of communist infestation.
I'm glad I destroyed your facade, commie.
Your turn to look up Year Zero.
Like literally every regime.
This coming from the same communist PR rep that claimed "Basically no one tries to eradicate the people he rules over...", that's rich. See, there's this bit about your kind I've learned. When you commie shills start using 'literally', that's a marker that your kind are being dishonest.
Nice try, but your argument falls flat when not every government in the world engaged in ethnic cleansing to get rid of undesirables. A nice lie to try and normalize genocide though, commie.
"Seethe" and "commie" seem to be the only words you know. Sort of like racist and bigot to a leftist.
That's because you've been ignoring everything I said thus far and nitpicking everything. Calling a spade a spade isn't a crime, you marxist piece of trash. Seethe, commie.
You generally make the claim that censorship is genocide to people who have logical faculties and who know anything about Russian history?
That's your claim, you dishonest commie propaganda mouthpiece, not mine. Stop twisting my words to try and silence conversation on your owners, "stalwart".
You asserted that earlier and were then unable to show anything of the sort, so congrats.
Your own posts are all that's needed to incriminate you.
They certainly weren't intentionally eradicating the entire people.
Oh so now its an unintentional genocide now that your bolshevik masters were caught. You communists are far worse than the nazis.
The political opposition, real and imagined, yes. But it's foolhardy to try to kill your own population.
The hubris of communism is not 'foolhardy', implying that it was made in error - it is completely intentional. And you're an absolute sleazebag for claiming that entire classes of people deemed "undesirables" by the communists are 'political opposition'.
You claim praise and then can't cite a single instance. Great job!
Says the commie PR shill.
You're trying pretty hard to divert from the fact that you've been desperately repeating bolshevik talking points when it came to covering up the genocide of the russian people.
Non sequitur.
A non sequitur is a statement that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, you faux intellectual. And trying to talk your way out of even acknowledging the genocides committed by bolsheviks is what you've been trying to do this whole time.
Typical of your kind to completely deny the crimes of your fellow bolsheviks.
It's funny that you've been reduced to just insulting. Not even an attempt to write an argument.
Says the commie cocksucker who's been repeatedly insulting me due to the fact you cannot respond to my arguments from the very start. What's the matter? You can dish it out, but you can't take it? Well whaddya know, you're a whiny, crybaby bitch and you deserve every insult.
Nor to defend how you embarrassed yourself by saying that you were 'invalidated' by disagreement.
I didn't embarrass myself - that whole thing is something you made up to try and derail what I had to say. Sucks to be you, that didn't work out either.
I'm "mad" that you're embarrassing yourself even further by being unable to produce even a shred of evidence for any of your claims.
Why not? You're just gonna run back to your demcast owners and try and censor anyone I cite, communist pig. I know your kind.
You do know that documents can't be burned over the internet, right? You just have none, despite claiming that your idiocy is 'well-documented'.
Your kind has infested and destroyed entire communities, websites and services for having information and discussion inconvenient to bolshevik narratives. Don't try to play dumb, you disgusting swine.
So why are they not banning those great works right now? Are they waiting for me to give the signal? Give it a rest. You can't produce any substantiation for your claims, because you have none.
See? Others have corroborated my argument despite how hard you claim my sources don't exist. You're just trying to silence anyone who speaks about it. You can whine about it if you want.
Yup, because you were echoing ultranationalist Ukrainian claims of 'genocide'.
And there you go calling every historian who dared to speak against bolshevik genocides 'ukrainian ultranationalists', you bolshevik vermin.
Actually, when you claim someone is making things up, you do have to point out what. I'm sorry to break the news. You are not very smart.
Says the drooling retard who runs PR for commies, unaware that they always kill the useful idiots first.
OK, so what was 'the definition' before and after?
The way you frame 'the definition' in quotes already tells me you're ready to suck up to the bolsheviks and argue in their favor.
Sorry, you're just a retard, and the only reason I'm conversing with you at all is because you amuse me.
Ha, don't lie. You're just here because you've lost too much social credit points and if you run now, your fellow commies are going to put you through a beating for 'suspected cowardice'.
You come across as pretty sad, angry and pathetic...
You're just saying that because I refuse to submit to your struggle session tactics, you pile of cockroach dirt.
Naming sources 'breaks' them? Huh.
It's a figure of speech. Oh wait, you communist bastards always silence the witnesses to your crimes.
You sure sound crazy enough to be one.
You're just mad that it took this long for you communists to infest the USA.
Cause you have none.
You corroborated my argument. Backpedaling in the span of a single post? That's almost impressive. Almost.
See, you just call everything you don't like "communist".
That's what they called themselves, you historical revisionist.
It's metaphorical... though I appreciate that you're not a glowie.
"Its metaphorical"? That's what you say in court after luring randoms into committing violence, huh?
But there is no US empire; just another country slowly succumbing to communist occupation.
So why are you defending the empire?
Project harder, fucktard. Also nice whataboutism, commie.
Which goes against your original claim that me saying that not all ukrainians are nazis somehow makes me pro-ukraine.
That wasn't my claim...
You commies can't go without lying at all, can you? That IS your claim. Just look at this thread.
which is why, like all your other claims, you can cite nothing in support of it. Do you really think anyone believes that all people in a given country (or in this case non-country) are Nazis? Such uniformity simply doesn't exist.
That 'uniformity' was something you pushed to silence any talk of genocide committed by bolsheviks, commie. Do you have the memory span of a fucking goldfish, you subhuman snotgobbler?
When did that happen? And who decides on 'the' definition of genocide?
Thank you for YET another demonstration of ignorance regarding bolshevik behavior in the early 20th century.
Nazi Germany is not despised because of "genocide" or other such silliness (which no one cares about, see the fate of the Armenians in 1915 and 2023), it's despised because it lost.
Nah. They lost and are despised because of their own idiotic policies that put them on a collapse course that would have happened even if WW2 never happened. Of course, those same policies were adapted in communist regimes, and you have to cover that up, commie.
It won't work.
Had it been victorious, most people would now be praising the Nazis. If Stalin had lost, he and the Bolshies would be as despised as the Nazis are now.
More dishonest takes. Communists were successful in taking over several countries, but they were not praised. If anything, their obsession with exterminating those who they deemed "undesirables" made them even more hated when the purity spiral hit.
And there you go sinking your own lie that communism is a 'dead and gone' ideology. Congratulations.
Their ethnicity is 'Russian'. But they were not targeted on that basis, nor being white. So no genocide, you dishonest Blogist shill.
There is no ethnicity called 'russian', you dishonest chucklefuck.
They were targeted for genocide because they were "undesirables" to the bolsheviks. They were not political opposition like you falsely claimed, commie.
Marx and Engels did not run a communist regime, and it's noted that you did not show how they called for 'exterminating white people'.
They laid the foundations of how communist regimes should be run, and if you knew anything about marxist ideologies, you'd know what I was talking about. Of course, you know - and you cover up for them.
You are ridiculous.
To a commie, anyone who dares speak about their crimes is ridiculous. I savor your desperate screeching, maggot.
That's not what it says. Can you even read?
Why don't you backpedal your way across the Nile and whine a little more?
I like how you think that no one knows these people, no one has ever heard of any books,
Another lie. Why do you insist on dictating what I should think when you have no capacity to think at all?
and that even speaking their name will immediately lead to GULAGS and BOOK BANNINGS. Not sure who you expect to believe this.
That's how your kind has always acted. And continue to act even now.
NO WAY. I had no idea.
Don't lie, you crayon-fucking commie shill. You knew. You just had to direct attention away from bolshevik genocides by constantly bringing up Ukraine... and you fail at that too.
A lot of retards claim it was until 1991...
Paul Revere was long gone in 1991. See, that's how I know you're a deceit-laden communist propaganda mouthpiece that engages in constant historical revisionism.
Cause your "sources" are non-existent, like your intelligence... All your desperate attempts to explain why your "sources" are mega duper secret were ridiculous, much like you yourself are.
Another lie. I've seen how you treat anyone who disagrees with you, how you dehumanize them and their words simply because they speak a truth that you must slander and silence by any means necessary. You're an unbelievably stupid shitsack if you think I'll just let you dehumanize the people who have spoken out against bolshevik genocides.
Still, it's funny when you've accidentally mentioned some of my sources every now and then in the past, destroying your claim that my sources are non-existent. I suppose its a mistake on your behalf. How much social credit points will you lose for that?
I suggest that you search for the name 'Walter Duranty'... and look at who posted those threads.
I see you have the veneer of someone that tries to belong in this community - but get a thread going this far where a regular skim fails to perceive, and you turn out to be this disgusting communist shill that must downplay communist censorship, genocide and worse - all the while you hypocritically whine about the 'US Empire', ignoring the fact that it too, was the result of communist infestation.
I'm glad I destroyed your facade, commie.
Your turn to look up Year Zero.
Like literally every regime.
This coming from the same communist PR rep that claimed "Basically no one tries to eradicate the people he rules over...", that's rich. See, there's this bit about your kind I've learned. When you commie shills start using 'literally', that's a marker that your kind are being dishonest.
Nice try, but your argument falls flat when not every government in the world engaged in ethnic cleansing to get rid of undesirables. A nice lie to try and normalize genocide though, commie.
"Seethe" and "commie" seem to be the only words you know. Sort of like racist and bigot to a leftist.
That's because you've been ignoring everything I said thus far and nitpicking everything. Calling a spade a spade isn't a crime, you marxist piece of trash. Seethe, commie.
You generally make the claim that censorship is genocide to people who have logical faculties and who know anything about Russian history?
That's your claim, you dishonest commie propaganda mouthpiece, not mine. Stop twisting my words to try and silence conversation on your owners, "stalwart".
You asserted that earlier and were then unable to show anything of the sort, so congrats.
Your own posts are all that's needed to incriminate you.
They certainly weren't intentionally eradicating the entire people.
Oh so now its an unintentional genocide now that your bolshevik masters were caught. You communists are far worse than the nazis.
The political opposition, real and imagined, yes. But it's foolhardy to try to kill your own population.
The hubris of communism is not 'foolhardy', implying that it was made in error - it is completely intentional. And you're an absolute sleazebag for claiming that entire classes of people deemed "undesirables" by the communists are 'political opposition'.
You claim praise and then can't cite a single instance. Great job!
Says the commie PR shill.
You're trying pretty hard to divert from the fact that you've been desperately repeating bolshevik talking points when it came to covering up the genocide of the russian people.
Non sequitur.
A non sequitur is a statement that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, you faux intellectual. And trying to talk your way out of even acknowledging the genocides committed by bolsheviks is what you've been trying to do this whole time.
Typical of your kind to completely deny the crimes of your fellow bolsheviks.
It's funny that you've been reduced to just insulting. Not even an attempt to write an argument.
Says the commie cocksucker who's been repeatedly insulting me due to the fact you cannot respond to my arguments from the very start. What's the matter? You can dish it out, but you can't take it? Well whaddya know, you're a whiny, crybaby bitch and you deserve every insult.
Nor to defend how you embarrassed yourself by saying that you were 'invalidated' by disagreement.
I didn't embarrass myself - that whole thing is something you made up to try and derail what I had to say. Sucks to be you, that didn't work out either.
I'm "mad" that you're embarrassing yourself even further by being unable to produce even a shred of evidence for any of your claims.
Why not? You're just gonna run back to your demcast owners and try and censor anyone I cite, communist pig. I know your kind.
You do know that documents can't be burned over the internet, right? You just have none, despite claiming that your idiocy is 'well-documented'.
Your kind has infested and destroyed entire communities, websites and services for having information and discussion inconvenient to bolshevik narratives. Don't try to play dumb, you disgusting swine.
So why are they not banning those great works right now? Are they waiting for me to give the signal? Give it a rest. You can't produce any substantiation for your claims, because you have none.
See? Others have corroborated my argument despite how hard you claim my sources don't exist. You're just trying to silence anyone who speaks about it. You can whine about it if you want.
Yup, because you were echoing ultranationalist Ukrainian claims of 'genocide'.
And there you go calling every historian who dared to speak against bolshevik genocides 'ukrainian ultranationalists', you bolshevik vermin.
Actually, when you claim someone is making things up, you do have to point out what. I'm sorry to break the news. You are not very smart.
Says the drooling retard who runs PR for commies, unaware that they always kill the useful idiots first.
OK, so what was 'the definition' before and after?
The way you frame 'the definition' in quotes already tells me you're ready to suck up to the bolsheviks and argue in their favor.
Sorry, you're just a retard, and the only reason I'm conversing with you at all is because you amuse me.
Ha, don't lie. You're just here because you've lost too much social credit points and if you run now, your fellow commies are going to put you through a beating for 'suspected cowardice'.
You come across as pretty sad, angry and pathetic...
You're just saying that because I refuse to submit to your struggle session tactics, you pile of cockroach dirt.
Naming sources 'breaks' them? Huh.
It's a figure of speech. Oh wait, you communist bastards always silence the witnesses to your crimes.
You sure sound crazy enough to be one.
You're just mad that it took this long for you communists to infest the USA.
Cause you have none.
You corroborated my argument. Backpedaling in the span of a single post? That's almost impressive. Almost.
See, you just call everything you don't like "communist".
That's what they called themselves, you historical revisionist.
It's metaphorical... though I appreciate that you're not a glowie.
"Its metaphorical"? That's what you say in court after luring randoms into committing violence, huh?
But there is no US empire; just another country slowly succumbing to communist occupation.
So why are you defending the empire?
Project harder, fucktard. Also nice whataboutism, commie.
Which goes against your original claim that me saying that not all ukrainians are nazis somehow makes me pro-ukraine.
That wasn't my claim...
You commies can't go without lying at all, can you? That IS your claim. Just look at this thread.
which is why, like all your other claims, you can cite nothing in support of it. Do you really think anyone believes that all people in a given country (or in this case non-country) are Nazis? Such uniformity simply doesn't exist.
That 'uniformity' was something you pushed to silence any talk of genocide committed by bolsheviks, commie. Do you have the memory span of a fucking goldfish, you subhuman snotgobbler?
When did that happen? And who decides on 'the' definition of genocide?
Thank you for YET another demonstration of ignorance regarding bolshevik behavior in the early 20th century.
Nazi Germany is not despised because of "genocide" or other such silliness (which no one cares about, see the fate of the Armenians in 1915 and 2023), it's despised because it lost.
Nah. They lost and are despised because of their own idiotic policies that put them on a collapse course that would have happened even if WW2 never happened. Of course, those same policies were adapted in communist regimes, and you have to cover that up, commie.
It won't work.
Had it been victorious, most people would now be praising the Nazis. If Stalin had lost, he and the Bolshies would be as despised as the Nazis are now.
More dishonest takes. Communists were successful in taking over several countries, but they were not praised. If anything, their obsession with exterminating those who they deemed "undesirables" made them even more hated when the purity spiral hit.
And there you go sinking your own lie that communism is a 'dead and gone' ideology. Congratulations.
Their ethnicity is 'Russian'. But they were not targeted on that basis, nor being white. So no genocide, you dishonest Blogist shill.
There is no ethicity called 'russian', you dishonest chucklefuck.
They were targeted for genocide because they were "undesirables" to the bolsheviks. They were not political opposition like you falsely claimed, commie.
Marx and Engels did not run a communist regime, and it's noted that you did not show how they called for 'exterminating white people'.
They laid the foundations of how communist regimes should be run, and if you knew anything about marxist ideologies, you'd know what I was talking about. Of course, you know - and you cover up for them.
You are ridiculous.
To a commie, anyone who dares speak about their crimes is ridiculous. I savor your desperate screeching, maggot.
That's not what it says. Can you even read?
Why don't you backpedal your way across the Nile and whine a little more?
I like how you think that no one knows these people, no one has ever heard of any books,
Another lie. Why do you insist on dictating what I should think when you have no capacity to think at all?
and that even speaking their name will immediately lead to GULAGS and BOOK BANNINGS. Not sure who you expect to believe this.
That's how your kind has always acted. And continue to act even now.
NO WAY. I had no idea.
Don't lie, you crayon-fucking commie shill. You knew. You just had to direct attention away from bolshevik genocides by constantly bringing up Ukraine... and you fail at that too.
A lot of retards claim it was until 1991...
Paul Revere was long gone in 1991. See, that's how I know you're a deceit-laden communist propaganda mouthpiece that engages in constant historical revisionism.
Cause your "sources" are non-existent, like your intelligence... All your desperate attempts to explain why your "sources" are mega duper secret were ridiculous, much like you yourself are.
Another lie. I've seen how you treat anyone who disagrees with you, how you dehumanize them and their words simply because they speak a truth that you must slander and silence by any means necessary. You're an unbelievably stupid shitsack if you think I'll just let you dehumanize the people who have spoken out against bolshevik genocides.
Still, it's funny when you've accidentally mentioned some of my sources every now and then in the past, destroying your claim that my sources are non-existent. I suppose its a mistake on your behalf. How much social credit points will you lose for that?
I suggest that you search for the name 'Walter Duranty'... and look at who posted those threads.
I see you have the veneer of someone that tries to belong in this community - but get a thread going this far where a regular skim fails to perceive, and you turn out to be this disgusting communist shill that must downplay communist censorship, genocide and worse - all the while you hypocritically whine about the 'US Empire', ignoring the fact that it too, was the result of communist infestation.
I'm glad I destroyed your facade, commie.
Your turn to look up Year Zero.