It's a denigrating non-argument.
All journalists do their work for "clicks and clout".
There is no journalist who dosen't want readers ( clicks ) and make a living off his work ( clout ).
The manifesto was highly news-worthy in a context of quickly worsening anti-White actions by institutions and individuals.
It just hurts the agenda of anti-White institutions. So they deem it morally wrong and wish to criminalize + censor such news reporting.
It's a denigrating non-argument.
All journalists do their work for "clicks and clout".
There is no journalists who dosen't want readers ( clicks ) and make a living off his work ( clout ).
The manifesto was highly news-worthy in a context of quickly worsening anti-White actions by institutions and individuals.
It just hurts the agenda of anti-White institutions. So they deem it morally wrong and wish to criminalize + censor such news reporting.
It's a denigrating non-argument.
All journalists do their work for "clicks and clout".
There is no journalists who dosen't want readers ( clicks ) and make a living off his work ( clout ).
The manifesto was highly news-worthy in a context of quickly worsening anti-White context.
It just hurts the agenda of anti-White institutions. So they deem it morally wrong and wish to criminalize + censor such news reporting.