I see a slight bit of truth to this in that a more skilled player can carry their team regardless and is usually very casual in their thinking since they don't really have to worry about rank, since they've most likely accomplished everything there is to accomplish.
Lower skilled players are absorbed and tunnelled into what they're doing and zero in on disruptive factors, and will likely blame the lowest in the leaderboard for their loss. They lose progress and pattern recognition suggests that girls usually suck and usually result in time wasted.
Imagine at the end of the game you have yet another wasted match with some tool with a 2-15 K/D most of which being suicides and they have the absolute nerve to hop on mic and go "teeheehee".
Some girls are decent, they are usually quiet.
I see a slight bit of truth to this in that a more skilled player can carry their team regardless and is usually very casual in their thinking since they don't really have to worry about rank, since they've most likely accomplished everything there is to accomplish.
Lower skilled players are absorbed and tunnelled into what they're doing and zero in on disruptive factors, and will likely blame the lowest in the leaderboard for their loss. They lose progress and pattern recognition suggests that girls usually suck and usually result in time wasted.
Imagine at the end of the game you have yet another wasted match with some tool with a 3-10 K/D most of which being suicides and they have the absolute nerve to hop on mic and go "teeheehee".
Some girls are decent, they are usually quiet.
I see a slight bit of truth to this in that a more skilled player can carry their team regardless and is usually very casual in their thinking since they don't really have to worry about rank, since they've most likely accomplished everything there is to accomplish.
Lower skilled players are absorbed and tunnelled into what they're doing and zero in on disruptive factors, and will likely blame a lower skilled player for their loss. They lose progress and pattern recognition suggests that girls usually suck and usually result in time wasted.
Imagine at the end of the game you have yet another wasted match with some tool with a 3-10 K/D most of which being suicides and they have the absolute nerve to hop on mic and go "teeheehee".
Some girls are decent, they are usually quiet.
I see a slight bit of truth to this in that a more skilled player can carry their team regardless and is usually very casual in their thinking since they don't really have to worry about rank, since they've most likely accomplished everything there is to accomplish.
Lower skilled players are absorbed and tunnelled into what they're doing and zero in on disruptive factors, and will likely blame a lower skilled player for their loss. They lose progress and pattern recognition suggests that girls usually suck and usually result in time wasted.
Imagine at the end of the game you have yet another wasted match with some tool with a 3-10 K/D most of which being suicides and they have the absolute nerve to hop on mic and go "teeheehee".
These people have never played videogames. Some girls are decent, they are usually quiet.
I see a slight bit of truth to this in that a more skilled player can carry their team regardless and is usually very casual in their thinking since they don't really have to worry about rank, since they've most likely accomplished everything there is to accomplish.
Lower skilled players are absorbed and tunnelled into what they're doing and zero in on disruptive factors, and will likely blame a lower skilled player for their loss. They lose progress and pattern recognition suggests that girls usually suck and usually result in time wasted.
Imagine at the end of the game you have yet another wasted match with some tool with a 3-10 K/D most of which being suicides and they have the absolute nerve to hop on mic and go "teeheehee".
These people have never played videogames.