Iran alone is not a threat. The danger, really, is the Islamic world as a whole. Between Russia, China, and the Islamic world, I trust Russia the most, and the Islamic world the least.
The Russians have been one of the most powerful nations on earth for the last 500 years, and they have been our allies in numerous conflicts. Their crimes have been committed primarily against their own people.
China has been one of the most, and more often than not the most powerful nation on earth for thousands of years. Great Qing wasn't an expansionist force, and even Communist China wasn't eager to get directly into the Korean War until western forces made the mistake of pushing up to its border. Like Russia, its crimes have been committed primarily against its own people.
The Islamic world is the most directly expansionist entity on earth. Only superior firepower ever keeps them at bay. When they can murder and enslave you, they will do so, and they will do it with absolute pride, because they believe that in doing so, they are serving the almighty allah. Islam is a religion of peace, because it seeks to turn the whole world muslim. By force. Their crimes against non-muslims increase every single day of every single year of every single century, since the dawn of their religion. We are fortunate that, even if we lose, Russia and China will seek to restrain the impulses of these lunatics.
Iran alone is not a threat. The danger, really, is the Islamic world as a whole. Between Russia, China, and the Islamic world, I trust Russia the most, and the Islamic world the least.
The Russians have been one of the most powerful nations on earth for the last 500 years, and they have been our allies in numerous conflicts. Their crimes have been committed primarily against their own people.
China has been one of the most, and more often than not the most powerful nation on earth for thousands of years. Great Qing wasn't an expansionist force, and even Communist China wasn't eager to get directly into the Korean War until western forces made the mistake of pushing up to its border. Like Russia, its crimes have been committed primarily against its own people.
The Islamic world is the most directly expansionist entity on earth. Only superior firepower keeps ever them at bay. When they can murder and enslave you, they will do so, and they will do it with absolute pride, because they believe that in doing so, they are serving the almighty allah. Islam is a religion of peace, because it seeks to turn the whole world muslim. By force. Their crimes against non-muslims increase every single day of every single year of every single century, since the dawn of their religion. We are fortunate that, even if we lose, Russia and China will seek to restrain the impulses of these lunatics.