Before the war, German occupied Europe comprised one country: Germany
DURING THE WAR... Germany occupied many more countries and conducted the holocaust in many of them you fucking idiot.
That and many of your other figures are wrong, but fuck it, what would you care? You can't tell the difference between jews in Europe and jews in Germany.
Before the war, German occupied Europe comprised one country: Germany
DURING THE WAR... Germany occupied many more countries and conducted the holocaust in many of them. you fucking idiot.
That and many of your other figures are wrong, but fuck it, what would you care? You can't tell the difference between jews in Europe and jews in Germany.
Before the war, German occupied Europe comprised one country: Germany
DURING THE WAR... Germany occupied many more countries and conducted the holocaust in many of them.
You fucking idiot.
That and many of your other figures are wrong, but fuck it, what would you care? You can't tell the difference between jews in Europe and jews in Germany.
Before the war, German occupied Europe comprised one country: Germany
DURING THE WAR... Germany occupied many more countries and conducted a holocaust many of them.
You fucking idiot.
That and many of your other figures are wrong, but fuck it, what would you care? You can't tell the difference between jews in Europe and jews in Germany.
Before the war, German occupied Europe comprised one country: Germany
DURING THE WAR... Germany occupied many more countries and conducted a holocaust many of them.
You fucking idiot.