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Reason: None provided.

Screw it. I'll do the math for you anyway. I'll break it down camp by camp.

Here's an excerpt from the Wiki page on Nazi extermination camps:

The victims of death camps were primarily murdered by gassing, either in permanent installations constructed for this specific purpose, or by means of gas vans.

Like I said, the official Holocaust narrative is that most of the deaths were from gassing. The fact that you don't know this is quite odd. Also, killing someone in a poorly constructed room with Zyklon B pellets/crystals is insanely difficult, if not impossible.

The specific names of the death/extermination camps are Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz.


It's claimed 180,000 to 340,000 deaths were at Chelmno, which operated from December 8, 1941, to April 11, 1943. The Wiki page for Chelmno says:

The bodies were cremated on open air grids constructed of concrete slabs and rail tracks; pipes were used for air ducts, and long ash pans were built below the grid...To hide the evidence of the SS-committed war crimes, from 1943 onward, the Germans ordered the exhumation of all remains and burning of bodies in open-air cremation pits by a unit of Sonderkommando 1005...Eventually, the camp authorities bought a bone-crushing machine (Knochenmühle) from Schriever and Co. in Hamburg to speed up the process.

Oh look, the bone crushing machine lie.

As I've said previously, it's impossible to fully cremate human remains in open air. Full cremation requires pressures and temperatures that can only be reached in enclosed crematoria, which still leaves bones intact. There's flesh left over in open air pyres/cremations, it's not all ash and bone. The "official" Holocaust account still uses this lie. Yet, you claim to be ignorant of this.

Here's what Wikipedia says on open air pyres:

A study conducted by Alunni, et al. examined the forensic science behind cremations on wooden pyres. The study concluded the average pyre does not completely destroy a human body effectively...remains being more charred rather than completely oxidized by high temperatures, are in anatomically correct positions, poor bone fragmentation

Lets look at India, that still performs lots of open air cremations. Here's a link from CNN:

a traditional pyre takes six hours and burns 500-600 kilograms of wood

That's just for one body, which isn't even fully cremated, and it requires 1,100-1,320 pounds of wood. I've also seen estimates for open air cremations that are even longer, just for one body. Do you have any idea how many trees would have to be cut down to fuel the open air pits to cremate the claimed number of dead? It would have deforested massive areas around the camps, especially in such a concentrated timeframe as is claimed the Nazis did these cremations. It also would result in even more ash leftovers from the burned wood, resulting in mountains of ash that couldn't just be swept away.

Lets say 1 million people were cremated in open air pits, requiring an average of 1,210 pounds of wood per person. That requires a total of 1,210,000,000 lbs of wood. Assuming only 1% of the initial wood weight is turned to ash (a very low estimate, as 6-10% is the accepted value), that leaves roughly 12,100,000 lbs of ash, just from the wood. Wood ash is also very light by volume, so that amount of wood ash would be absolutely massive by volume.


It's claimed 430,000 and 500,000 jewish deaths were at Belzec, which operated from March 17, 1942 to the end of June, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

All corpses buried at Bełżec were secretly exhumed and then gradually cremated on long open-air pyres, part of the country-wide plan known as the Sonderaktion 1005....Bone fragments were pulverised and mixed with the ashes to hide the evidence of mass murder.

Again, they're trying to claim the Nazis did something that's physically and thermodynamically impossible, and that they used bone crushing machines which were never found.


It's claimed 170,000 to 250,000 deaths were at Sobibor, which operated from May ,1942 to October 14, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

The vast majority of prisoners were gassed within hours of arrival...After only a few months of operation, the wooden walls of the gas chambers had absorbed too much sweat, urine, blood, and excrement to be cleanable...the Nazis assembled a forest commando who worked there cutting timber for heat, cooking, as well as cremation pyres...after the killing in the gas chambers, the corpses were collected by Sonderkommandos and taken to mass graves or cremated in the open air.

This Wiki page admits to gassing as the main means of killing (which you deny), the use of wooden enclosed gas chambers (which is a hilarious lie), that they used wood to burn the bodies (they'd run out of forest before running out of bodies to cremate), and that they, again, used open air pyres to cremate the bodies. LOL.


It's claimed 700,000 and 900,000 jewish deaths were at Treblinka, which operated from July 23, 1942 and October 19, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

Jews were murdered in its gas chambers...they cut wood to fuel the cremation pits...bodies were exhumed in 1943 and cremated on large open-air pyres along with the bodies of new victims...The bodies were placed on rails over wood, splashed with petrol, and burned...crushed the remaining bones with mallets

Again, the same lies. You can't just "splash petrol" on a corpse and expect it to cremate in the open air.


It's claimed 78,000 to 360,000 deaths were at Majdanek, which operated from October 1, 1941 to July, 22 1944. The Wiki page admits:

Until June 1942, the bodies of those murdered at Majdanek were buried in mass graves (these were later exhumed and burned by the prisoners assigned to Sonderkommando 1005)...murdered with Zyklon B...From June 1942, the SS disposed of the bodies by burning them, either on pyres made from the chassis of old lorries or in a crematorium. The so-called First Crematorium had two ovens which were brought to Majdanek from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. This facility stood in „Interfield I", the area between the first and the second fenced camp section; it is no longer in existence today...In autumn of 1943, the first crematorium at Majdanek was replaced by the New Crematorium. It was a T-shaped wooden building with five ovens.

Oh look, the Zyklon B lie again.

But, finally!, a "death camp" that used crematoriums (something that can actually cremate a body). So, from June, 1942 to autumn 1943 (lets assume November 1st), the camp had two ovens, and from autumn 1943 to July, 22 1944 it had 5 ovens. Lets use the cremation times for modern crematoria (giving as much leeway for the official account as possible), it takes roughly 2-3 hours to cremate a body (lets use 2 hours for even more leeway for the official account). Modern crematoria require a cooldown time between each body, to clean the oven, but lets assume these were magic crematoria, that didn't need to be cleaned or cooled off between each body.

The camp had 2 ovens for 518 days, and 5 ovens for 264 days. For the first 518 days, the camp could cremate 12,432 bodies (518days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 2ovens). For the last 264 days, the camp could cremate 15,840 bodies (264days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 5ovens). The total number of bodies the camp could cremate is 28,272. That number is far, far below the "official" claimed number of dead (78,000 to 360,000).

The official number of cremated is a lie. All it takes is simple math to disprove the lie, giving every leeway to the Nazis to break the laws of thermodynamics and time to cremate more than is possible.


It's claimed 1,100,000 deaths were at Auschwitz, which operated from May, 1940 to January, 1945. The Wiki page admits:

Construction of crematorium I began at Auschwitz I at the end of June or beginning of July 1940...was in operation from August 1940 until July 1943, by which time the crematoria at Auschwitz II had taken over...By May 1942 three ovens had been installed in crematorium I, which together could burn 340 bodies in 24 hours...By June 1943 all four crematoria were operational, but crematorium I was not used after July 1943. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the Sonderkommando were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day. This maximum capacity was rarely needed; the average between 1942 and 1944 was 1,000 bodies burned every day...The first experimental gassing took place around August 1941, when Lagerführer Karl Fritzsch, at the instruction of Rudolf Höss, murdered a group of Soviet prisoners of war by throwing Zyklon B crystals into their basement cell in block 11 of Auschwitz I...The morgue was later converted to a gas chamber able to hold at least 700–800 people...Zyklon B was dropped into the room through slits in the ceiling...Any bits of bone that had not burned properly were ground down in wooden mortars.

LOL, they claim all of the bone remains were crushed using "wooden mortars". 1.1 million people's bones, ground to dust using mortars. Fucking LOL. The insanity of the official claims.

In any case, lets look at the numbers of cremated in the "official sources". In the above quote, it says the 3 ovens of crematoria I could cremate 340 bodies in 24 hours. That's impossible. 3 ovens * 24hrs / 2hrs/cremation = 36 bodies every 24 hours. To hell with the lies. The "official historians" overvalued the possible number of cremations by a factor of 9.44. Furthermore, you can't just pack in more than one body into a cremation oven. The ovens themselves are ridiculously small, wouldn't fit that many bodies, even starved bodies. You also can't just throw in more bodies into an oven and throw in more fuel, expecting to get the exact same cremation times for 1 body. The official claims are obvious lies.

Let's use this source on the number of ovens Auschwitz had:

In summer 1940 the SS took delivery of one double-muffle oven manufactured by the Topf company in Erfurt. Its official incineration capacity of over 100 corpses per day proved insufficient, and in fall 1940 the Auschwitz SS ordered a second double-muffle oven. A third (summer 1941) brought the official daily cremation capacity to 340 corpses....The 52 ovens built in the five crematoria of Auschwitz, with a total incineration capacity of 4,756 corpses per day, testify to the genocidal purpose of the Nazi state.

So, 52 ovens total for all give crematoria.

Lets use this source on when the various crematoria were active at Auschwitz:

Crematorium I operated from August 15, 1940 until July 1943...Crematorium II functioned from March 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium III functioned from June 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium IV functioned, with interruptions, from March 1943 until October 7, 1944...Crematorium V functioned, with interruptions, from April 1943 until January 1945

Crematoria I was operational for 1,079 days, crematoria II for 640 days, crematoria III for 548 days, crematoria IV for 586 days, and crematoria V for 671 days.

We know crematoria I had 3 ovens, but it's difficult to find accurate sources for how many ovens crematoria 2-5 had, so lets assume an average of 12.25 ([52-3]/4), which won't change the total number much given that crematoria 2-5 operated roughly the same number of days. Lets also assume, again, that these are magic ovens that can operate 24/7 without needing cleaning or cooling off, and all ovens were used from start to finish dates. So, crematoria I could cremate 38,844 bodies in 1079 days, crematoria II 94,080 bodies in 640 days, crematoria III 80,556 bodies in 548 days, crematoria IV 86,142 bodies in 586 days, and crematoria V 98,637 bodies in 671 days. That's a total of 398,259 bodies the Nazis could theoretically cremate. This number is woefully short of the claimed 1.1 million, and assumes heavily in favor of the official account.

Just to be clear on the situation of the latter parts of the war, lets use this source on why Nazi Germany lost:

Nor did Germany's commandeering of the economies of other European countries do much to redress the balance. The Germans' ruthless requisitioning of fuel, industrial facilities and labour from France and other countries reduced the economies of the subjugated parts of Europe to such a state that they were unable – and, with their workers becoming ever more refractory, unwilling – to contribute significantly to German war production...Above all, the Reich was short of fuel. Romania and Hungary supplied a large proportion of Germany's needs. But this was not enough to satisfy the appetite of the Wehrmacht's gas-guzzling tanks and fighter planes.

Germany lost because they were short on manpower, labor, resources, supplies, and fuel. They couldn't expend the fuel needed for the war effort on cremating bodies in their non existent "death camps". The above Wiki pages admit, in clear language, from "official sources", that the majority of the bodies were killed by gassing using Zyklon B (which is extremely difficult to do, if not impossible), cremated in ovens (that were seemingly operated by magic, using fuel the Nazis didn't have), or cremated in open air pits (which doesn't work for cremation), and they exhumed the bodies after death to "hide the evidence", during a time when the Nazis were on the backfoot, being beaten on every front and/or retreating, while short on fuel, manpower, labor, and supplies, with their railways and supply lines being attacked and broken. The notion that the Nazis were able to achieve what is claimed is absurdly ridiculous. Apparently their super evil gave them magical powers to overcome impossibilities.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Screw it. I'll do the math for you anyway. I'll break it down camp by camp.

Here's an excerpt from the Wiki page on Nazi extermination camps:

The victims of death camps were primarily murdered by gassing, either in permanent installations constructed for this specific purpose, or by means of gas vans.

Like I said, the official Holocaust narrative is that most of the deaths were from gassing. The fact that you don't know this is quite odd. Also, killing someone in a poorly constructed room with Zyklon B pellets/crystals is insanely difficult, if not impossible.

The specific names of the death/extermination camps are Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz.


It's claimed 180,000 to 340,000 deaths were at Chelmno, which operated from December 8, 1941, to April 11, 1943. The Wiki page for Chelmno says:

The bodies were cremated on open air grids constructed of concrete slabs and rail tracks; pipes were used for air ducts, and long ash pans were built below the grid...To hide the evidence of the SS-committed war crimes, from 1943 onward, the Germans ordered the exhumation of all remains and burning of bodies in open-air cremation pits by a unit of Sonderkommando 1005...Eventually, the camp authorities bought a bone-crushing machine (Knochenmühle) from Schriever and Co. in Hamburg to speed up the process.

Oh look, the bone crushing machine lie.

As I've said previous, it's impossible to fully cremate human remains in open air. Full cremation requires pressures and temperatures that can only be reached in enclosed crematoria, which still eaves bones intact. There's flesh left over in open air pyres/cremations, it's not all ash and bone. The "official" Holocaust account still uses this lie. Yet, you claim to be ignorant of this fact.

Here's what Wikipedia says on open air pyres:

A study conducted by Alunni, et al. examined the forensic science behind cremations on wooden pyres. The study concluded the average pyre does not completely destroy a human body effectively...remains being more charred rather than completely oxidized by high temperatures, are in anatomically correct positions, poor bone fragmentation

Lets look at India, that still performs lots of open air cremations. Here's a link from CNN:

a traditional pyre takes six hours and burns 500-600 kilograms of wood

That's just for one body, which isn't even fully cremated, and it requires 1,100-1,320 pounds of wood. I've also seen estimates for open air cremations that are even longer, just for one body. Do you have any idea how many trees would have to be cut down to fuel the open air pits to kill the claimed number of dead? It would have deforested massive areas around the camps, especially in such a concentrated timeframe as is claimed the Nazis did these killings. It also would result in even more ash leftovers from the burned wood, resulting in mountains of ash that couldn't just be swept away. Lets say 1 million people were cremated in open air pits, requiring an average of 1,210 pounds of wood per person. That requires a total of 1,210,000,000 lbs of wood. Assuming only 1% of the initial wood weight is turned to ash (a very low estimate, as 6-10% is the accepted value), that leaves roughly 12,100,000 lbs of ash, just from the wood. Wood ash is also very light by volume, so that amount of wood ash would be absolutely massive by volume.


It's claimed 430,000 and 500,000 jewish deaths were at Belzec, which operated from March 17, 1942 to the end of June, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

All corpses buried at Bełżec were secretly exhumed and then gradually cremated on long open-air pyres, part of the country-wide plan known as the Sonderaktion 1005....Bone fragments were pulverised and mixed with the ashes to hide the evidence of mass murder.

Again, they're trying to claim the Nazis did something that's physically and thermodynamically impossible, and that they used bone crushing machines which were never found.


It's claimed 170,000 to 250,000 deaths were at Sobibor, which operated from May ,1942 to October 14, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

The vast majority of prisoners were gassed within hours of arrival...After only a few months of operation, the wooden walls of the gas chambers had absorbed too much sweat, urine, blood, and excrement to be cleanable...the Nazis assembled a forest commando who worked there cutting timber for heat, cooking, as well as cremation pyres...after the killing in the gas chambers, the corpses were collected by Sonderkommandos and taken to mass graves or cremated in the open air.

This Wiki page admits to gassing as the main means of killing (which you deny), the use of wooden enclosed gas chambers (which is a hilarious lie), that they used wood to burn the bodies (they'd run out of forest before running out of bodies to cremate), and that they, again, used open air pyres to cremate the bodies. LOL.


It's claimed 700,000 and 900,000 jewish deaths were at Treblinka, which operated from July 23, 1942 and October 19, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

Jews were murdered in its gas chambers...they cut wood to fuel the cremation pits...bodies were exhumed in 1943 and cremated on large open-air pyres along with the bodies of new victims...The bodies were placed on rails over wood, splashed with petrol, and burned...crushed the remaining bones with mallets

Again, the same lies. You can't just "splash petrol" on a corpse and expect it to cremate in the open air.


It's claimed 78,000 to 360,000 deaths were at Majdanek, which operated from October 1, 1941 to July, 22 1944. The Wiki page admits:

Until June 1942, the bodies of those murdered at Majdanek were buried in mass graves (these were later exhumed and burned by the prisoners assigned to Sonderkommando 1005)...murdered with Zyklon B...From June 1942, the SS disposed of the bodies by burning them, either on pyres made from the chassis of old lorries or in a crematorium. The so-called First Crematorium had two ovens which were brought to Majdanek from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. This facility stood in „Interfield I", the area between the first and the second fenced camp section; it is no longer in existence today...In autumn of 1943, the first crematorium at Majdanek was replaced by the New Crematorium. It was a T-shaped wooden building with five ovens.

Oh look, the Zyklon B lie again.

But, finally!, a "death camp" that used crematoriums (something that can actually cremate a body). So, from June, 1942 to autumn 1943 (lets assume November 1st), the camp had two ovens, and from autumn 1943 to July, 22 1944 it had 5 ovens. Lets use the cremation times for modern crematoria (giving as much leeway for the official account as possible), it takes roughly 2-3 hours to cremate a body (lets use 2 hours for even more leeway for the official account). Modern crematoria require a cooldown time between each body, to clean the oven, but lets assume these were magic crematoria, that didn't need to be cleaned or cooled off between each body.

The camp had 2 ovens for 518 days, and 5 ovens for 264 days. For the first 518 days, the camp could cremate 12,432 bodies (518days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 2ovens). For the last 264 days, the camp could cremate 15,840 bodies (264days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 5ovens). The total number of bodies the camp could cremate is 28,272. That number is far, far below the "official" claimed number of dead (78,000 to 360,000).

The official number of cremated is a lie. All it takes is simple math to disprove the lie, giving every leeway to the Nazis to break the laws of thermodynamics and time to cremate more than is possible.


It's claimed 1,100,000 deaths were at Auschwitz, which operated from May, 1940 to January, 1945. The Wiki page admits:

Construction of crematorium I began at Auschwitz I at the end of June or beginning of July 1940...was in operation from August 1940 until July 1943, by which time the crematoria at Auschwitz II had taken over...By May 1942 three ovens had been installed in crematorium I, which together could burn 340 bodies in 24 hours...By June 1943 all four crematoria were operational, but crematorium I was not used after July 1943. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the Sonderkommando were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day. This maximum capacity was rarely needed; the average between 1942 and 1944 was 1,000 bodies burned every day...The first experimental gassing took place around August 1941, when Lagerführer Karl Fritzsch, at the instruction of Rudolf Höss, murdered a group of Soviet prisoners of war by throwing Zyklon B crystals into their basement cell in block 11 of Auschwitz I...The morgue was later converted to a gas chamber able to hold at least 700–800 people...Zyklon B was dropped into the room through slits in the ceiling...Any bits of bone that had not burned properly were ground down in wooden mortars.

LOL, they claim all of the bone remains were crushed using "wooden mortars". 1.1 million people's bones, ground to dust using mortars. Fucking LOL. The insanity of the official claims.

In any case, lets look at the numbers of cremated in the "official sources". In the above quote, it says the 3 ovens of crematoria I could cremate 340 bodies in 24 hours. That's impossible. 3 ovens * 24hrs / 2hrs/cremation = 36 bodies every 24 hours. To hell with the lies. The "official historians" overvalued the possible number of cremations by a factor of 9.44. Furthermore, you can't just pack in more than one body into a cremation oven. The ovens themselves are ridiculously small, wouldn't fit that many bodies, even starved bodies. You also can't just throw in more bodies into an oven and throw in more fuel, expecting to get the exact same cremation times for 1 body. The official claims are obvious lies.

Let's use this source on the number of ovens Auschwitz had:

In summer 1940 the SS took delivery of one double-muffle oven manufactured by the Topf company in Erfurt. Its official incineration capacity of over 100 corpses per day proved insufficient, and in fall 1940 the Auschwitz SS ordered a second double-muffle oven. A third (summer 1941) brought the official daily cremation capacity to 340 corpses....The 52 ovens built in the five crematoria of Auschwitz, with a total incineration capacity of 4,756 corpses per day, testify to the genocidal purpose of the Nazi state.

So, 52 ovens total for all give crematoria.

Lets use this source on when the various crematoria were active at Auschwitz:

Crematorium I operated from August 15, 1940 until July 1943...Crematorium II functioned from March 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium III functioned from June 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium IV functioned, with interruptions, from March 1943 until October 7, 1944...Crematorium V functioned, with interruptions, from April 1943 until January 1945

Crematoria I was operational for 1,079 days, crematoria II for 640 days, crematoria III for 548 days, crematoria IV for 586 days, and crematoria V for 671 days.

We know crematoria I had 3 ovens, but it's difficult to find accurate sources for how many ovens crematoria 2-5 had, so lets assume an average of 12.25 ([52-3]/4), which won't change the total number much given that crematoria 2-5 operated roughly the same number of days. Lets also assume, again, that these are magic ovens that can operate 24/7 without needing cleaning or cooling off, and all ovens were used from start to finish dates. So, crematoria I could cremate 38,844 bodies in 1079 days, crematoria II 94,080 bodies in 640 days, crematoria III 80,556 bodies in 548 days, crematoria IV 86,142 bodies in 586 days, and crematoria V 98,637 bodies in 671 days. That's a total of 398,259 bodies the Nazis could theoretically cremate. This number is woefully short of the claimed 1.1 million, and assumes heavily in favor of the official account.

Just to be clear on the situation of the latter parts of the war, lets use this source on why Nazi Germany lost:

Nor did Germany's commandeering of the economies of other European countries do much to redress the balance. The Germans' ruthless requisitioning of fuel, industrial facilities and labour from France and other countries reduced the economies of the subjugated parts of Europe to such a state that they were unable – and, with their workers becoming ever more refractory, unwilling – to contribute significantly to German war production...Above all, the Reich was short of fuel. Romania and Hungary supplied a large proportion of Germany's needs. But this was not enough to satisfy the appetite of the Wehrmacht's gas-guzzling tanks and fighter planes.

Germany lost because they were short on manpower, labor, resources, supplies, and fuel. They couldn't expend the fuel needed for the war effort on cremating bodies in their non existent "death camps". The above Wiki pages admit, in clear language, from "official sources", that the majority of the bodies were killed by gassing using Zyklon B (which is extremely difficult to do, if not impossible), cremated in ovens (that were seemingly operated by magic, using fuel the Nazis didn't have), or cremated in open air pits (which doesn't work for cremation), and they exhumed the bodies after death to "hide the evidence", during a time when the Nazis were on the backfoot, being beaten on every front and/or retreating, while short on fuel, manpower, labor, and supplies, with their railways and supply lines being attacked and broken. The notion that the Nazis were able to achieve what is claimed is absurdly ridiculous. Apparently their super evil gave them magical powers to overcome impossibilities.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Screw it. I'll do the math for you anyway. I'll break it down camp by camp.

Here's an excerpt from the Wiki page on Nazi extermination camps:

The victims of death camps were primarily murdered by gassing, either in permanent installations constructed for this specific purpose, or by means of gas vans.

Like I said, the official Holocaust narrative is that most of the deaths were from gassing. The fact that you don't know this is quite odd. Also, killing someone in a poorly constructed room with Zyklon B pellets/crystals is insanely difficult, if not impossible.

The specific names of the death/extermination camps are Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz.


It's claimed 180,000 to 340,000 deaths were at Chelmno, which operated from December 8, 1941, to April 11, 1943. The Wiki page for Chelmno says:

The bodies were cremated on open air grids constructed of concrete slabs and rail tracks; pipes were used for air ducts, and long ash pans were built below the grid...To hide the evidence of the SS-committed war crimes, from 1943 onward, the Germans ordered the exhumation of all remains and burning of bodies in open-air cremation pits by a unit of Sonderkommando 1005.

As I said, it's impossible to fully cremate human remains in open air. Full cremation requires pressures and temperatures that can only be reached in enclosed crematoria, which still eaves bones intact. There's flesh left over in open air pyres/cremations, it's not all ash and bone. The "official" Holocaust account still uses this lie. Yet, you claim to be ignorant of this fact.

Here's what Wikipedia says on open air pyres:

A study conducted by Alunni, et al. examined the forensic science behind cremations on wooden pyres. The study concluded the average pyre does not completely destroy a human body effectively...remains being more charred rather than completely oxidized by high temperatures, are in anatomically correct positions, poor bone fragmentation

Lets look at India, that still performs lots of open air cremations. Here's a link from CNN:

a traditional pyre takes six hours and burns 500-600 kilograms of wood

That's just for one body, which isn't even fully cremated, and it requires 1,100-1,320 pounds of wood. I've also seen estimates for open air cremations that are even longer, just for one body. Do you have any idea how many trees would have to be cut down to fuel the open air pits to kill the claimed number of dead? It would have deforested massive areas around the camps, especially in such a concentrated timeframe as is claimed the Nazis did these killings. It also would result in even more ash leftovers from the burned wood, resulting in mountains of ash that couldn't just be swept away. Lets say 1 million people were cremated in open air pits, requiring an average of 1,210 pounds of wood per person. That requires a total of 1,210,000,000 lbs of wood. Assuming only 1% of the initial wood weight is turned to ash (a very low estimate, as 6-10% is the accepted value), that leaves roughly 12,100,000 lbs of ash, just from the wood. Wood ash is also very light by volume, so that amount of wood ash would be absolutely massive by volume.

The same Wiki page for Chelmno also admits to the bone crushing machine lie:

Eventually, the camp authorities bought a bone-crushing machine (Knochenmühle) from Schriever and Co. in Hamburg to speed up the process.


It's claimed 430,000 and 500,000 jewish deaths were at Belzec, which operated from March 17, 1942 to the end of June, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

All corpses buried at Bełżec were secretly exhumed and then gradually cremated on long open-air pyres, part of the country-wide plan known as the Sonderaktion 1005....Bone fragments were pulverised and mixed with the ashes to hide the evidence of mass murder.

Again, they're trying to claim the Nazis did something that's physically and thermodynamically impossible, and that they used bone crushing machines which were never found.


It's claimed 170,000 to 250,000 deaths were at Sobibor, which operated from May ,1942 to October 14, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

The vast majority of prisoners were gassed within hours of arrival...After only a few months of operation, the wooden walls of the gas chambers had absorbed too much sweat, urine, blood, and excrement to be cleanable...the Nazis assembled a forest commando who worked there cutting timber for heat, cooking, as well as cremation pyres...after the killing in the gas chambers, the corpses were collected by Sonderkommandos and taken to mass graves or cremated in the open air.

This Wiki page admits to gassing as the main means of killing (which you deny), the use of wooden enclosed gas chambers (which is a hilarious lie), that they used wood to burn the bodies (they'd run out of forest before running out of bodies to cremate), and that they, again, used open air pyres to cremate the bodies. LOL.


It's claimed 700,000 and 900,000 jewish deaths were at Treblinka, which operated from July 23, 1942 and October 19, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

Jews were murdered in its gas chambers...they cut wood to fuel the cremation pits...bodies were exhumed in 1943 and cremated on large open-air pyres along with the bodies of new victims...The bodies were placed on rails over wood, splashed with petrol, and burned...crushed the remaining bones with mallets

Again, the same lies. You can't just "splash petrol" on a corpse and expect it to cremate in the open air.


It's claimed 78,000 to 360,000 deaths were at Majdanek, which operated from October 1, 1941 to July, 22 1944. The Wiki page admits:

Until June 1942, the bodies of those murdered at Majdanek were buried in mass graves (these were later exhumed and burned by the prisoners assigned to Sonderkommando 1005)...murdered with Zyklon B...From June 1942, the SS disposed of the bodies by burning them, either on pyres made from the chassis of old lorries or in a crematorium. The so-called First Crematorium had two ovens which were brought to Majdanek from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. This facility stood in „Interfield I", the area between the first and the second fenced camp section; it is no longer in existence today...In autumn of 1943, the first crematorium at Majdanek was replaced by the New Crematorium. It was a T-shaped wooden building with five ovens.

Oh look, the Zyklon B lie again.

But, finally!, a "death camp" that used crematoriums (something that can actually cremate a body). So, from June, 1942 to autumn 1943 (lets assume November 1st), the camp had two ovens, and from autumn 1943 to July, 22 1944 it had 5 ovens. Lets use the cremation times for modern crematoria (giving as much leeway for the official account as possible), it takes roughly 2-3 hours to cremate a body (lets use 2 hours for even more leeway for the official account). Modern crematoria require a cooldown time between each body, to clean the oven, but lets assume these were magic crematoria, that didn't need to be cleaned or cooled off between each body.

The camp had 2 ovens for 518 days, and 5 ovens for 264 days. For the first 518 days, the camp could cremate 12,432 bodies (518days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 2ovens). For the last 264 days, the camp could cremate 15,840 bodies (264days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 5ovens). The total number of bodies the camp could cremate is 28,272. That number is far, far below the "official" claimed number of dead (78,000 to 360,000).

The official number of cremated is a lie. All it takes is simple math to disprove the lie, giving every leeway to the Nazis to break the laws of thermodynamics and time to cremate more than is possible.


It's claimed 1,100,000 deaths were at Auschwitz, which operated from May, 1940 to January, 1945. The Wiki page admits:

Construction of crematorium I began at Auschwitz I at the end of June or beginning of July 1940...was in operation from August 1940 until July 1943, by which time the crematoria at Auschwitz II had taken over...By May 1942 three ovens had been installed in crematorium I, which together could burn 340 bodies in 24 hours...By June 1943 all four crematoria were operational, but crematorium I was not used after July 1943. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the Sonderkommando were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day. This maximum capacity was rarely needed; the average between 1942 and 1944 was 1,000 bodies burned every day...The first experimental gassing took place around August 1941, when Lagerführer Karl Fritzsch, at the instruction of Rudolf Höss, murdered a group of Soviet prisoners of war by throwing Zyklon B crystals into their basement cell in block 11 of Auschwitz I...The morgue was later converted to a gas chamber able to hold at least 700–800 people...Zyklon B was dropped into the room through slits in the ceiling...Any bits of bone that had not burned properly were ground down in wooden mortars.

LOL, they claim all of the bone remains were crushed using "wooden mortars". 1.1 million people's bones, ground to dust using mortars. Fucking LOL. The insanity of the official claims.

In any case, lets look at the numbers of cremated in the "official sources". In the above quote, it says the 3 ovens of crematoria I could cremate 340 bodies in 24 hours. That's impossible. 3 ovens * 24hrs / 2hrs/cremation = 36 bodies every 24 hours. To hell with the lies. The "official historians" overvalued the possible number of cremations by a factor of 9.44. Furthermore, you can't just pack in more than one body into a cremation oven. The ovens themselves are ridiculously small, wouldn't fit that many bodies, even starved bodies. You also can't just throw in more bodies into an oven and throw in more fuel, expecting to get the exact same cremation times for 1 body. The official claims are obvious lies.

Let's use this source on the number of ovens Auschwitz had:

In summer 1940 the SS took delivery of one double-muffle oven manufactured by the Topf company in Erfurt. Its official incineration capacity of over 100 corpses per day proved insufficient, and in fall 1940 the Auschwitz SS ordered a second double-muffle oven. A third (summer 1941) brought the official daily cremation capacity to 340 corpses....The 52 ovens built in the five crematoria of Auschwitz, with a total incineration capacity of 4,756 corpses per day, testify to the genocidal purpose of the Nazi state.

So, 52 ovens total for all give crematoria.

Lets use this source on when the various crematoria were active at Auschwitz:

Crematorium I operated from August 15, 1940 until July 1943...Crematorium II functioned from March 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium III functioned from June 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium IV functioned, with interruptions, from March 1943 until October 7, 1944...Crematorium V functioned, with interruptions, from April 1943 until January 1945

Crematoria I was operational for 1,079 days, crematoria II for 640 days, crematoria III for 548 days, crematoria IV for 586 days, and crematoria V for 671 days.

We know crematoria I had 3 ovens, but it's difficult to find accurate sources for how many ovens crematoria 2-5 had, so lets assume an average of 12.25 ([52-3]/4), which won't change the total number much given that crematoria 2-5 operated roughly the same number of days. Lets also assume, again, that these are magic ovens that can operate 24/7 without needing cleaning or cooling off, and all ovens were used from start to finish dates. So, crematoria I could cremate 38,844 bodies in 1079 days, crematoria II 94,080 bodies in 640 days, crematoria III 80,556 bodies in 548 days, crematoria IV 86,142 bodies in 586 days, and crematoria V 98,637 bodies in 671 days. That's a total of 398,259 bodies the Nazis could theoretically cremate. This number is woefully short of the claimed 1.1 million, and assumes heavily in favor of the official account.

Just to be clear on the situation of the latter parts of the war, lets use this source on why Nazi Germany lost:

Nor did Germany's commandeering of the economies of other European countries do much to redress the balance. The Germans' ruthless requisitioning of fuel, industrial facilities and labour from France and other countries reduced the economies of the subjugated parts of Europe to such a state that they were unable – and, with their workers becoming ever more refractory, unwilling – to contribute significantly to German war production...Above all, the Reich was short of fuel. Romania and Hungary supplied a large proportion of Germany's needs. But this was not enough to satisfy the appetite of the Wehrmacht's gas-guzzling tanks and fighter planes.

Germany lost because they were short on manpower, labor, resources, supplies, and fuel. They couldn't expend the fuel needed for the war effort on cremating bodies in their non existent "death camps". The above Wiki pages admit, in clear language, from "official sources", that the majority of the bodies were killed by gassing using Zyklon B (which is extremely difficult to do, if not impossible), cremated in ovens (that were seemingly operated by magic, using fuel the Nazis didn't have), or cremated in open air pits (which doesn't work for cremation), and they exhumed the bodies after death to "hide the evidence", during a time when the Nazis were on the backfoot, being beaten on every front and/or retreating, while short on fuel, manpower, labor, and supplies, with their railways and supply lines being attacked and broken. The notion that the Nazis were able to achieve what is claimed is absurdly ridiculous. Apparently their super evil gave them magical powers to overcome impossibilities.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Screw it. I'll do the math for you anyway. I'll break it down camp by camp.

Here's an excerpt from the Wiki page on Nazi extermination camps:

The victims of death camps were primarily murdered by gassing, either in permanent installations constructed for this specific purpose, or by means of gas vans.

Like I said, the official Holocaust narrative is that most of the deaths were from gassing. The fact that you don't know this is quite odd. Also, killing someone in a poorly constructed room with Zyklon B pellets/crystals is insanely difficult, if not impossible.

The specific names of the death/extermination camps are Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz.


It's claimed 180,000 to 340,000 deaths were at Chelmno, which operated from December 8, 1941, to April 11, 1943. The Wiki page for Chelmno says:

The bodies were cremated on open air grids constructed of concrete slabs and rail tracks; pipes were used for air ducts, and long ash pans were built below the grid...To hide the evidence of the SS-committed war crimes, from 1943 onward, the Germans ordered the exhumation of all remains and burning of bodies in open-air cremation pits by a unit of Sonderkommando 1005.

As I said, it's impossible to fully cremate human remains in open air. Full cremation requires pressures and temperatures that can only be reached in enclosed crematoria, which still eaves bones intact. There's flesh left over in open air pyres/cremations, it's not all ash and bone. The "official" Holocaust account still uses this lie. Yet, you claim to be ignorant of this fact.

Lets look at India, that still does lots of open air cremations. Here's a link from CNN:

a traditional pyre takes six hours and burns 500-600 kilograms of wood

That's just for one body, which isn't even fully cremated, and it requires 1,100-1,320 pounds of wood. I've also seen estimates for open air cremations that are even longer, just for one body. Do you have any idea how many trees would have to be cut down to fuel the open air pits to kill the claimed number of dead? It would have deforested massive areas around the camps, especially in such a concentrated timeframe as is claimed the Nazis did these killings. It also would result in even more ash leftovers from the burned wood, resulting in mountains of ash that couldn't just be swept away. Lets say 1 million people were cremated in open air pits, requiring an average of 1,210 pounds of wood per person. That requires a total of 1,210,000,000 lbs of wood. Assuming only 1% of the initial wood weight is turned to ash (a very low estimate, as 6-10% is the accepted value), that leaves roughly 12,100,000 lbs of ash, just from the wood. Wood ash is also very light by volume, so that amount of wood ash would be absolutely massive by volume.

The same Wiki page for Chelmno also admits to the bone crushing machine lie:

Eventually, the camp authorities bought a bone-crushing machine (Knochenmühle) from Schriever and Co. in Hamburg to speed up the process.


It's claimed 430,000 and 500,000 jewish deaths were at Belzec, which operated from March 17, 1942 to the end of June, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

All corpses buried at Bełżec were secretly exhumed and then gradually cremated on long open-air pyres, part of the country-wide plan known as the Sonderaktion 1005....Bone fragments were pulverised and mixed with the ashes to hide the evidence of mass murder.

Again, they're trying to claim the Nazis did something that's physically and thermodynamically impossible, and that they used bone crushing machines which were never found.


It's claimed 170,000 to 250,000 deaths were at Sobibor, which operated from May ,1942 to October 14, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

The vast majority of prisoners were gassed within hours of arrival...After only a few months of operation, the wooden walls of the gas chambers had absorbed too much sweat, urine, blood, and excrement to be cleanable...the Nazis assembled a forest commando who worked there cutting timber for heat, cooking, as well as cremation pyres...after the killing in the gas chambers, the corpses were collected by Sonderkommandos and taken to mass graves or cremated in the open air.

This Wiki page admits to gassing as the main means of killing (which you deny), the use of wooden enclosed gas chambers (which is a hilarious lie), that they used wood to burn the bodies (they'd run out of forest before running out of bodies to cremate), and that they, again, used open air pyres to cremate the bodies. LOL.


It's claimed 700,000 and 900,000 jewish deaths were at Treblinka, which operated from July 23, 1942 and October 19, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

Jews were murdered in its gas chambers...they cut wood to fuel the cremation pits...bodies were exhumed in 1943 and cremated on large open-air pyres along with the bodies of new victims...The bodies were placed on rails over wood, splashed with petrol, and burned...crushed the remaining bones with mallets

Again, the same lies. You can't just "splash petrol" on a corpse and expect it to cremate in the open air.


It's claimed 78,000 to 360,000 deaths were at Majdanek, which operated from October 1, 1941 to July, 22 1944. The Wiki page admits:

Until June 1942, the bodies of those murdered at Majdanek were buried in mass graves (these were later exhumed and burned by the prisoners assigned to Sonderkommando 1005)...murdered with Zyklon B...From June 1942, the SS disposed of the bodies by burning them, either on pyres made from the chassis of old lorries or in a crematorium. The so-called First Crematorium had two ovens which were brought to Majdanek from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. This facility stood in „Interfield I", the area between the first and the second fenced camp section; it is no longer in existence today...In autumn of 1943, the first crematorium at Majdanek was replaced by the New Crematorium. It was a T-shaped wooden building with five ovens.

Oh look, the Zyklon B lie again.

But, finally!, a "death camp" that used crematoriums (something that can actually cremate a body). So, from June, 1942 to autumn 1943 (lets assume November 1st), the camp had two ovens, and from autumn 1943 to July, 22 1944 it had 5 ovens. Lets use the cremation times for modern crematoria (giving as much leeway for the official account as possible), it takes roughly 2-3 hours to cremate a body (lets use 2 hours for even more leeway for the official account). Modern crematoria require a cooldown time between each body, to clean the oven, but lets assume these were magic crematoria, that didn't need to be cleaned or cooled off between each body.

The camp had 2 ovens for 518 days, and 5 ovens for 264 days. For the first 518 days, the camp could cremate 12,432 bodies (518days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 2ovens). For the last 264 days, the camp could cremate 15,840 bodies (264days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 5ovens). The total number of bodies the camp could cremate is 28,272. That number is far, far below the "official" claimed number of dead (78,000 to 360,000).

The official number of cremated is a lie. All it takes is simple math to disprove the lie, giving every leeway to the Nazis to break the laws of thermodynamics and time to cremate more than is possible.


It's claimed 1,100,000 deaths were at Auschwitz, which operated from May, 1940 to January, 1945. The Wiki page admits:

Construction of crematorium I began at Auschwitz I at the end of June or beginning of July 1940...was in operation from August 1940 until July 1943, by which time the crematoria at Auschwitz II had taken over...By May 1942 three ovens had been installed in crematorium I, which together could burn 340 bodies in 24 hours...By June 1943 all four crematoria were operational, but crematorium I was not used after July 1943. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the Sonderkommando were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day. This maximum capacity was rarely needed; the average between 1942 and 1944 was 1,000 bodies burned every day...The first experimental gassing took place around August 1941, when Lagerführer Karl Fritzsch, at the instruction of Rudolf Höss, murdered a group of Soviet prisoners of war by throwing Zyklon B crystals into their basement cell in block 11 of Auschwitz I...The morgue was later converted to a gas chamber able to hold at least 700–800 people...Zyklon B was dropped into the room through slits in the ceiling...Any bits of bone that had not burned properly were ground down in wooden mortars.

LOL, they claim all of the bone remains were crushed using "wooden mortars". 1.1 million people's bones, ground to dust using mortars. Fucking LOL. The insanity of the official claims.

In any case, lets look at the numbers of cremated in the "official sources". In the above quote, it says the 3 ovens of crematoria I could cremate 340 bodies in 24 hours. That's impossible. 3 ovens * 24hrs / 2hrs/cremation = 36 bodies every 24 hours. To hell with the lies. The "official historians" overvalued the possible number of cremations by a factor of 9.44. Furthermore, you can't just pack in more than one body into a cremation oven. The ovens themselves are ridiculously small, wouldn't fit that many bodies, even starved bodies. You also can't just throw in more bodies into an oven and throw in more fuel, expecting to get the exact same cremation times for 1 body. The official claims are obvious lies.

Let's use this source on the number of ovens Auschwitz had:

In summer 1940 the SS took delivery of one double-muffle oven manufactured by the Topf company in Erfurt. Its official incineration capacity of over 100 corpses per day proved insufficient, and in fall 1940 the Auschwitz SS ordered a second double-muffle oven. A third (summer 1941) brought the official daily cremation capacity to 340 corpses....The 52 ovens built in the five crematoria of Auschwitz, with a total incineration capacity of 4,756 corpses per day, testify to the genocidal purpose of the Nazi state.

So, 52 ovens total for all give crematoria.

Lets use this source on when the various crematoria were active at Auschwitz:

Crematorium I operated from August 15, 1940 until July 1943...Crematorium II functioned from March 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium III functioned from June 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium IV functioned, with interruptions, from March 1943 until October 7, 1944...Crematorium V functioned, with interruptions, from April 1943 until January 1945

Crematoria I was operational for 1,079 days, crematoria II for 640 days, crematoria III for 548 days, crematoria IV for 586 days, and crematoria V for 671 days.

We know crematoria I had 3 ovens, but it's difficult to find accurate sources for how many ovens crematoria 2-5 had, so lets assume an average of 12.25 ([52-3]/4), which won't change the total number much given that crematoria 2-5 operated roughly the same number of days. Lets also assume, again, that these are magic ovens that can operate 24/7 without needing cleaning or cooling off, and all ovens were used from start to finish dates. So, crematoria I could cremate 38,844 bodies in 1079 days, crematoria II 94,080 bodies in 640 days, crematoria III 80,556 bodies in 548 days, crematoria IV 86,142 bodies in 586 days, and crematoria V 98,637 bodies in 671 days. That's a total of 398,259 bodies the Nazis could theoretically cremate. This number is woefully short of the claimed 1.1 million, and assumes heavily in favor of the official account.

Just to be clear on the situation of the latter parts of the war, lets use this source on why Nazi Germany lost:

Nor did Germany's commandeering of the economies of other European countries do much to redress the balance. The Germans' ruthless requisitioning of fuel, industrial facilities and labour from France and other countries reduced the economies of the subjugated parts of Europe to such a state that they were unable – and, with their workers becoming ever more refractory, unwilling – to contribute significantly to German war production...Above all, the Reich was short of fuel. Romania and Hungary supplied a large proportion of Germany's needs. But this was not enough to satisfy the appetite of the Wehrmacht's gas-guzzling tanks and fighter planes.

Germany lost because they were short on manpower, labor, resources, supplies, and fuel. They couldn't expend the fuel needed for the war effort on cremating bodies in their non existent "death camps". The above Wiki pages admit, in clear language, from "official sources", that the majority of the bodies were killed by gassing using Zyklon B (which is extremely difficult to do, if not impossible), cremated in ovens (that were seemingly operated by magic, using fuel the Nazis didn't have), or cremated in open air pits (which doesn't work for cremation), and they exhumed the bodies after death to "hide the evidence", during a time when the Nazis were on the backfoot, being beaten on every front and/or retreating, while short on fuel, manpower, labor, and supplies, with their railways and supply lines being attacked and broken. The notion that the Nazis were able to achieve what is claimed is absurdly ridiculous. Apparently their super evil gave them magical powers to overcome impossibilities.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Screw it. I'll do the math for you anyway. I'll break it down camp by camp.

Here's an excerpt from the Wiki page on Nazi extermination camps:

The victims of death camps were primarily murdered by gassing, either in permanent installations constructed for this specific purpose, or by means of gas vans.

Like I said, the official Holocaust narrative is that most of the deaths were from gassing. The fact that you don't know this is quite odd. Also, killing someone in a poorly constructed room with Zyklon B pellets/crystals is insanely difficult, if not impossible.

The specific names of the death/extermination camps are Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz.


It's claimed 180,000 to 340,000 deaths were at Chelmno, which operated from December 8, 1941, to April 11, 1943. The Wiki page for Chelmno says:

The bodies were cremated on open air grids constructed of concrete slabs and rail tracks; pipes were used for air ducts, and long ash pans were built below the grid...To hide the evidence of the SS-committed war crimes, from 1943 onward, the Germans ordered the exhumation of all remains and burning of bodies in open-air cremation pits by a unit of Sonderkommando 1005.

As I said, it's impossible to fully cremate human remains in open air. It requires the pressure and temperatures that can only be reached in enclosed crematoria. The "official" Holocaust account still uses this lie. Yet, you claim to be ignorant of this fact.

The same Wiki page for Chelmno also admits to the bone crushing machine lie:

Eventually, the camp authorities bought a bone-crushing machine (Knochenmühle) from Schriever and Co. in Hamburg to speed up the process.


It's claimed 430,000 and 500,000 jewish deaths were at Belzec, which operated from March 17, 1942 to the end of June, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

All corpses buried at Bełżec were secretly exhumed and then gradually cremated on long open-air pyres, part of the country-wide plan known as the Sonderaktion 1005....Bone fragments were pulverised and mixed with the ashes to hide the evidence of mass murder.

Again, they're trying to claim the Nazis did something that's physically and thermodynamically impossible, and that they used bone crushing machines which were never found.


It's claimed 170,000 to 250,000 deaths were at Sobibor, which operated from May ,1942 to October 14, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

The vast majority of prisoners were gassed within hours of arrival...After only a few months of operation, the wooden walls of the gas chambers had absorbed too much sweat, urine, blood, and excrement to be cleanable...the Nazis assembled a forest commando who worked there cutting timber for heat, cooking, as well as cremation pyres...after the killing in the gas chambers, the corpses were collected by Sonderkommandos and taken to mass graves or cremated in the open air.

This Wiki page admits to gassing as the main means of killing (which you deny), the use of wooden enclosed gas chambers (which is a hilarious lie), that they used wood to burn the bodies (they'd run out of forest before running out of bodies to cremate), and that they, again, used open air pyres to cremate the bodies. LOL.


It's claimed 700,000 and 900,000 jewish deaths were at Treblinka, which operated from July 23, 1942 and October 19, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

Jews were murdered in its gas chambers...they cut wood to fuel the cremation pits...bodies were exhumed in 1943 and cremated on large open-air pyres along with the bodies of new victims...The bodies were placed on rails over wood, splashed with petrol, and burned...crushed the remaining bones with mallets

Again, the same lies. You can't just "splash petrol" on a corpse and expect it to cremate in the open air.


It's claimed 78,000 to 360,000 deaths were at Majdanek, which operated from October 1, 1941 to July, 22 1944. The Wiki page admits:

Until June 1942, the bodies of those murdered at Majdanek were buried in mass graves (these were later exhumed and burned by the prisoners assigned to Sonderkommando 1005)...murdered with Zyklon B...From June 1942, the SS disposed of the bodies by burning them, either on pyres made from the chassis of old lorries or in a crematorium. The so-called First Crematorium had two ovens which were brought to Majdanek from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. This facility stood in „Interfield I", the area between the first and the second fenced camp section; it is no longer in existence today...In autumn of 1943, the first crematorium at Majdanek was replaced by the New Crematorium. It was a T-shaped wooden building with five ovens.

Oh look, the Zyklon B lie again.

But, finally!, a "death camp" that used crematoriums (something that can actually cremate a body). So, from June, 1942 to autumn 1943 (lets assume November 1st), the camp had two ovens, and from autumn 1943 to July, 22 1944 it had 5 ovens. Lets use the cremation times for modern crematoria (giving as much leeway for the official account as possible), it takes roughly 2-3 hours to cremate a body (lets use 2 hours for even more leeway for the official account). Modern crematoria require a cooldown time between each body, to clean the oven, but lets assume these were magic crematoria, that didn't need to be cleaned or cooled off between each body.

The camp had 2 ovens for 518 days, and 5 ovens for 264 days. For the first 518 days, the camp could cremate 12,432 bodies (518days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 2ovens). For the last 264 days, the camp could cremate 15,840 bodies (264days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 5ovens). The total number of bodies the camp could cremate is 28,272. That number is far, far below the "official" claimed number of dead (78,000 to 360,000).

The official number of cremated is a lie. All it takes is simple math to disprove the lie, giving every leeway to the Nazis to break the laws of thermodynamics and time to cremate more than is possible.


It's claimed 1,100,000 deaths were at Auschwitz, which operated from May, 1940 to January, 1945. The Wiki page admits:

Construction of crematorium I began at Auschwitz I at the end of June or beginning of July 1940...was in operation from August 1940 until July 1943, by which time the crematoria at Auschwitz II had taken over...By May 1942 three ovens had been installed in crematorium I, which together could burn 340 bodies in 24 hours...By June 1943 all four crematoria were operational, but crematorium I was not used after July 1943. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the Sonderkommando were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day. This maximum capacity was rarely needed; the average between 1942 and 1944 was 1,000 bodies burned every day...The first experimental gassing took place around August 1941, when Lagerführer Karl Fritzsch, at the instruction of Rudolf Höss, murdered a group of Soviet prisoners of war by throwing Zyklon B crystals into their basement cell in block 11 of Auschwitz I...The morgue was later converted to a gas chamber able to hold at least 700–800 people...Zyklon B was dropped into the room through slits in the ceiling...Any bits of bone that had not burned properly were ground down in wooden mortars.

LOL, they claim all of the bone remains were crushed using "wooden mortars". 1.1 million people's bones, ground to dust using mortars. Fucking LOL. The insanity of the official claims.

In any case, lets look at the numbers of cremated in the "official sources". In the above quote, it says the 3 ovens of crematoria I could cremate 340 bodies in 24 hours. That's impossible. 3 ovens * 24hrs / 2hrs/cremation = 36 bodies every 24 hours. To hell with the lies. The "official historians" overvalued the possible number of cremations by a factor of 9.44. Furthermore, you can't just pack in more than one body into a cremation oven. The ovens themselves are ridiculously small, wouldn't fit that many bodies, even starved bodies. You also can't just throw in more bodies into an oven and throw in more fuel, expecting to get the exact same cremation times for 1 body. The official claims are obvious lies.

Let's use this source on the number of ovens Auschwitz had:

In summer 1940 the SS took delivery of one double-muffle oven manufactured by the Topf company in Erfurt. Its official incineration capacity of over 100 corpses per day proved insufficient, and in fall 1940 the Auschwitz SS ordered a second double-muffle oven. A third (summer 1941) brought the official daily cremation capacity to 340 corpses....The 52 ovens built in the five crematoria of Auschwitz, with a total incineration capacity of 4,756 corpses per day, testify to the genocidal purpose of the Nazi state.

So, 52 ovens total for all give crematoria.

Lets use this source on when the various crematoria were active at Auschwitz:

Crematorium I operated from August 15, 1940 until July 1943...Crematorium II functioned from March 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium III functioned from June 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium IV functioned, with interruptions, from March 1943 until October 7, 1944...Crematorium V functioned, with interruptions, from April 1943 until January 1945

Crematoria I was operational for 1,079 days, crematoria II for 640 days, crematoria III for 548 days, crematoria IV for 586 days, and crematoria V for 671 days.

We know crematoria I had 3 ovens, but it's difficult to find accurate sources for how many ovens crematoria 2-5 had, so lets assume an average of 12.25 ([52-3]/4), which won't change the total number much given that crematoria 2-5 operated roughly the same number of days. Lets also assume, again, that these are magic ovens that can operate 24/7 without needing cleaning or cooling off, and all ovens were used from start to finish dates. So, crematoria I could cremate 38,844 bodies in 1079 days, crematoria II 94,080 bodies in 640 days, crematoria III 80,556 bodies in 548 days, crematoria IV 86,142 bodies in 586 days, and crematoria V 98,637 bodies in 671 days. That's a total of 398,259 bodies the Nazis could theoretically cremate. This number is woefully short of the claimed 1.1 million, and assumes heavily in favor of the official account.

Just to be clear on the situation of the latter parts of the war, lets use this source on why Nazi Germany lost:

Nor did Germany's commandeering of the economies of other European countries do much to redress the balance. The Germans' ruthless requisitioning of fuel, industrial facilities and labour from France and other countries reduced the economies of the subjugated parts of Europe to such a state that they were unable – and, with their workers becoming ever more refractory, unwilling – to contribute significantly to German war production...Above all, the Reich was short of fuel. Romania and Hungary supplied a large proportion of Germany's needs. But this was not enough to satisfy the appetite of the Wehrmacht's gas-guzzling tanks and fighter planes.

Germany lost because they were short on manpower, labor, resources, supplies, and fuel. They couldn't expend the fuel needed for the war effort on cremating bodies in their non existent "death camps". The above Wiki pages admit, in clear language, from "official sources", that the majority of the bodies were killed by gassing using Zyklon B (which is extremely difficult to do, if not impossible), cremated in ovens (that were seemingly operated by magic, using fuel the Nazis didn't have), or cremated in open air pits (which doesn't work for cremation), and they exhumed the bodies after death to "hide the evidence", during a time when the Nazis were on the backfoot, being beaten on every front and/or retreating, while short on fuel, manpower, labor, and supplies, with their railways and supply lines being attacked and broken. The notion that the Nazis were able to achieve what is claimed is absurdly ridiculous. Apparently their super evil gave them magical powers to overcome impossibilities.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Screw it. I'll do the math for you anyway. I'll break it down camp by camp.

Here's an excerpt from the Wiki page on Nazi extermination camps:

The victims of death camps were primarily murdered by gassing, either in permanent installations constructed for this specific purpose, or by means of gas vans.

Like I said, the official Holocaust narrative is that most of the deaths were from gassing. The fact that you don't know this is quite odd. Also, killing someone in a poorly constructed room with Zyklon B pellets/crystals is insanely difficult, if not impossible.

The specific names of the death/extermination camps are Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz.


It's claimed 180,000 to 340,000 deaths were at Chelmno, which operated from December 8, 1941, to April 11, 1943. The Wiki page for Chelmno says:

The bodies were cremated on open air grids constructed of concrete slabs and rail tracks; pipes were used for air ducts, and long ash pans were built below the grid...To hide the evidence of the SS-committed war crimes, from 1943 onward, the Germans ordered the exhumation of all remains and burning of bodies in open-air cremation pits by a unit of Sonderkommando 1005.

As I said, it's impossible to fully cremate human remains in open air. It requires the pressure and temperatures that can only be reached in enclosed crematoria. The "official" Holocaust account still uses this lie. Yet, you claim to be ignorant of this fact.

The same Wiki page for Chelmno also admits to the bone crushing machine lie:

Eventually, the camp authorities bought a bone-crushing machine (Knochenmühle) from Schriever and Co. in Hamburg to speed up the process.


It's claimed 430,000 and 500,000 jewish deaths were at Belzec, which operated from March 17, 1942 to the end of June, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

All corpses buried at Bełżec were secretly exhumed and then gradually cremated on long open-air pyres, part of the country-wide plan known as the Sonderaktion 1005....Bone fragments were pulverised and mixed with the ashes to hide the evidence of mass murder.

Again, they're trying to claim the Nazis did something that's physically and thermodynamically impossible, and that they used bone crushing machines which were never found.


It's claimed 170,000 to 250,000 deaths were at Sobibor, which operated from May ,1942 to October 14, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

The vast majority of prisoners were gassed within hours of arrival...After only a few months of operation, the wooden walls of the gas chambers had absorbed too much sweat, urine, blood, and excrement to be cleanable...the Nazis assembled a forest commando who worked there cutting timber for heat, cooking, as well as cremation pyres...after the killing in the gas chambers, the corpses were collected by Sonderkommandos and taken to mass graves or cremated in the open air.

This Wiki page admits to gassing as the main means of killing (which you deny), the use of wooden enclosed gas chambers (which is a hilarious lie), that they used wood to burn the bodies (they'd run out of forest before running out of bodies to cremate), and that they, again, used open air pyres to cremate the bodies. LOL.


It's claimed 700,000 and 900,000 jewish deaths were at Treblinka, which operated from July 23, 1942 and October 19, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

Jews were murdered in its gas chambers...they cut wood to fuel the cremation pits...bodies were exhumed in 1943 and cremated on large open-air pyres along with the bodies of new victims...The bodies were placed on rails over wood, splashed with petrol, and burned...crushed the remaining bones with mallets

Again, the same lies. You can't just "splash petrol" on a corpse and expect it to cremate in the open air.


It's claimed 78,000 to 360,000 deaths were at Majdanek, which operated from October 1, 1941 to July, 22 1944. The Wiki page admits:

Until June 1942, the bodies of those murdered at Majdanek were buried in mass graves (these were later exhumed and burned by the prisoners assigned to Sonderkommando 1005)...murdered with Zyklon B...From June 1942, the SS disposed of the bodies by burning them, either on pyres made from the chassis of old lorries or in a crematorium. The so-called First Crematorium had two ovens which were brought to Majdanek from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. This facility stood in „Interfield I", the area between the first and the second fenced camp section; it is no longer in existence today...In autumn of 1943, the first crematorium at Majdanek was replaced by the New Crematorium. It was a T-shaped wooden building with five ovens.

Oh look, the Zyklon B lie again.

But, finally!, a "death camp" that used crematoriums (something that can actually cremate a body). So, from June, 1942 to autumn 1943 (lets assume November 1st), the camp had two ovens, and from autumn 1943 to July, 22 1944 it had 5 ovens. Using modern crematoria, it takes roughly 2 hours to cremate a body. Modern crematoria require a cooldown time between each body, to clean the oven, but lets assume these were magic crematoria, that didn't need to be cleaned or cooled off between each body.

The camp had 2 ovens for 518 days, and 5 ovens for 264 days. For the first 518 days, the camp could cremate 12,432 bodies (518days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 2ovens). For the last 264 days, the camp could cremate 15,840 bodies (264days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 5ovens). The total number of bodies the camp could cremate is 28,272. That number is far, far below the "official" claimed number of dead (78,000 to 360,000).

The official number of cremated is a lie. All it takes is simple math to disprove the lie, giving every leeway to the Nazis to break the laws of thermodynamics and time to cremate more than is possible.


It's claimed 1,100,000 deaths were at Auschwitz, which operated from May, 1940 to January, 1945. The Wiki page admits:

Construction of crematorium I began at Auschwitz I at the end of June or beginning of July 1940...was in operation from August 1940 until July 1943, by which time the crematoria at Auschwitz II had taken over...By May 1942 three ovens had been installed in crematorium I, which together could burn 340 bodies in 24 hours...By June 1943 all four crematoria were operational, but crematorium I was not used after July 1943. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the Sonderkommando were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day. This maximum capacity was rarely needed; the average between 1942 and 1944 was 1,000 bodies burned every day...The first experimental gassing took place around August 1941, when Lagerführer Karl Fritzsch, at the instruction of Rudolf Höss, murdered a group of Soviet prisoners of war by throwing Zyklon B crystals into their basement cell in block 11 of Auschwitz I...The morgue was later converted to a gas chamber able to hold at least 700–800 people...Zyklon B was dropped into the room through slits in the ceiling...Any bits of bone that had not burned properly were ground down in wooden mortars.

LOL, they claim all of the bone remains were crushed using "wooden mortars". 1.1 million people's bones, ground to dust using mortars. Fucking LOL. The insanity of the official claims.

In any case, lets look at the numbers of cremated in the "official sources". In the above quote, it says the 3 ovens of crematoria I could cremate 340 bodies in 24 hours. That's impossible. 3 ovens * 24hrs / 2hrs/cremation = 36 bodies every 24 hours. To hell with the lies. The "official historians" overvalued the possible number of cremations by a factor of 9.44. Furthermore, you can't just pack in more than one body into a cremation oven. The ovens themselves are ridiculously small, wouldn't fit that many bodies, even starved bodies. You also can't just throw in more bodies into an oven and throw in more fuel, expecting to get the exact same cremation times for 1 body. The official claims are obvious lies.

Let's use this source on the number of ovens Auschwitz had:

In summer 1940 the SS took delivery of one double-muffle oven manufactured by the Topf company in Erfurt. Its official incineration capacity of over 100 corpses per day proved insufficient, and in fall 1940 the Auschwitz SS ordered a second double-muffle oven. A third (summer 1941) brought the official daily cremation capacity to 340 corpses....The 52 ovens built in the five crematoria of Auschwitz, with a total incineration capacity of 4,756 corpses per day, testify to the genocidal purpose of the Nazi state.

So, 52 ovens total for all give crematoria.

Lets use this source on when the various crematoria were active at Auschwitz:

Crematorium I operated from August 15, 1940 until July 1943...Crematorium II functioned from March 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium III functioned from June 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium IV functioned, with interruptions, from March 1943 until October 7, 1944...Crematorium V functioned, with interruptions, from April 1943 until January 1945

Crematoria I was operational for 1,079 days, crematoria II for 640 days, crematoria III for 548 days, crematoria IV for 586 days, and crematoria V for 671 days.

We know crematoria I had 3 ovens, but it's difficult to find accurate sources for how many ovens crematoria 2-5 had, so lets assume an average of 12.25 ([52-3]/4), which won't change the total number much given that crematoria 2-5 operated roughly the same number of days. Lets also assume, again, that these are magic ovens that can operate 24/7 without needing cleaning or cooling off, and all ovens were used from start to finish dates. So, crematoria I could cremate 38,844 bodies in 1079 days, crematoria II 94,080 bodies in 640 days, crematoria III 80,556 bodies in 548 days, crematoria IV 86,142 bodies in 586 days, and crematoria V 98,637 bodies in 671 days. That's a total of 398,259 bodies the Nazis could theoretically cremate. This number is woefully short of the claimed 1.1 million, and assumes heavily in favor of the official account.

Just to be clear on the situation of the latter parts of the war, lets use this source on why Nazi Germany lost:

Nor did Germany's commandeering of the economies of other European countries do much to redress the balance. The Germans' ruthless requisitioning of fuel, industrial facilities and labour from France and other countries reduced the economies of the subjugated parts of Europe to such a state that they were unable – and, with their workers becoming ever more refractory, unwilling – to contribute significantly to German war production...Above all, the Reich was short of fuel. Romania and Hungary supplied a large proportion of Germany's needs. But this was not enough to satisfy the appetite of the Wehrmacht's gas-guzzling tanks and fighter planes.

Germany lost because they were short on manpower, labor, resources, supplies, and fuel. They couldn't expend the fuel needed for the war effort on cremating bodies in their non existent "death camps". The above Wiki pages admit, in clear language, from "official sources", that the majority of the bodies were killed by gassing using Zyklon B (which is extremely difficult to do, if not impossible), cremated in ovens (that were seemingly operated by magic, using fuel the Nazis didn't have), or cremated in open air pits (which doesn't work for cremation), and they exhumed the bodies after death to "hide the evidence", during a time when the Nazis were on the backfoot, being beaten on every front and/or retreating, while short on fuel, manpower, labor, and supplies, with their railways and supply lines being attacked and broken. The notion that the Nazis were able to achieve what is claimed is absurdly ridiculous. Apparently their super evil gave them magical powers to overcome impossibilities.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Screw it. I'll do the math for you anyway. I'll break it down camp by camp.

Here's an excerpt from the Wiki page on Nazi extermination camps:

The victims of death camps were primarily murdered by gassing, either in permanent installations constructed for this specific purpose, or by means of gas vans.

Like I said, the official Holocaust narrative is that most of the deaths were from gassing. The fact that you don't know this is quite odd. Also, killing someone in a poorly constructed room with Zyklon B pellets/crystals is insanely difficult, if not impossible.

The specific names of the death/extermination camps are Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz.


It's claimed 180,000 to 340,000 deaths were at Chelmno, which operated from December 8, 1941, to April 11, 1943. The Wiki page for Chelmno says:

The bodies were cremated on open air grids constructed of concrete slabs and rail tracks; pipes were used for air ducts, and long ash pans were built below the grid...To hide the evidence of the SS-committed war crimes, from 1943 onward, the Germans ordered the exhumation of all remains and burning of bodies in open-air cremation pits by a unit of Sonderkommando 1005.

As I said, it's impossible to fully cremate human remains in open air. It requires the pressure and temperatures that can only be reached in enclosed crematoria. The "official" Holocaust account still uses this lie. Yet, you claim to be ignorant of this fact.

The same Wiki page for Chelmno also admits to the bone crushing machine lie:

Eventually, the camp authorities bought a bone-crushing machine (Knochenmühle) from Schriever and Co. in Hamburg to speed up the process.


It's claimed 430,000 and 500,000 jewish deaths were at Belzec, which operated from March 17, 1942 to the end of June, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

All corpses buried at Bełżec were secretly exhumed and then gradually cremated on long open-air pyres, part of the country-wide plan known as the Sonderaktion 1005....Bone fragments were pulverised and mixed with the ashes to hide the evidence of mass murder.

Again, they're trying to claim the Nazis did something that's physically and thermodynamically impossible, and that they used bone crushing machines which were never found.


It's claimed 170,000 to 250,000 deaths were at Sobibor, which operated from May ,1942 to October 14, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

The vast majority of prisoners were gassed within hours of arrival...After only a few months of operation, the wooden walls of the gas chambers had absorbed too much sweat, urine, blood, and excrement to be cleanable...the Nazis assembled a forest commando who worked there cutting timber for heat, cooking, as well as cremation pyres...after the killing in the gas chambers, the corpses were collected by Sonderkommandos and taken to mass graves or cremated in the open air.

This Wiki page admits to gassing as the main means of killing (which you deny), the use of wooden enclosed gas chambers (which is a hilarious lie), that they used wood to burn the bodies (they'd run out of forest before running out of bodies to cremate), and that they, again, used open air pyres to cremate the bodies. LOL.


It's claimed 700,000 and 900,000 jewish deaths were at Treblinka, which operated from July 23, 1942 and October 19, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

Jews were murdered in its gas chambers...they cut wood to fuel the cremation pits...bodies were exhumed in 1943 and cremated on large open-air pyres along with the bodies of new victims...The bodies were placed on rails over wood, splashed with petrol, and burned...crushed the remaining bones with mallets

Again, the same lies. You can't just "splash petrol" on a corpse and expect it to cremate in the open air.


It's claimed 78,000 to 360,000 deaths were at Majdanek, which operated from October 1, 1941 to July, 22 1944. The Wiki page admits:

Until June 1942, the bodies of those murdered at Majdanek were buried in mass graves (these were later exhumed and burned by the prisoners assigned to Sonderkommando 1005)...murdered with Zyklon B...From June 1942, the SS disposed of the bodies by burning them, either on pyres made from the chassis of old lorries or in a crematorium. The so-called First Crematorium had two ovens which were brought to Majdanek from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. This facility stood in „Interfield I", the area between the first and the second fenced camp section; it is no longer in existence today...In autumn of 1943, the first crematorium at Majdanek was replaced by the New Crematorium. It was a T-shaped wooden building with five ovens.

Oh look, the Zyklon B lie again.

But, finally!, a "death camp" that used crematoriums (something that can actually cremate a body). So, from June, 1942 to autumn 1943 (lets assume November 1st), the camp had two ovens, and from autumn 1943 to July, 22 1944 it had 5 ovens. Using modern crematoria, it takes roughly 2 hours to cremate a body. Modern crematoria require a cooldown time between each body, to clean the oven, but lets assume these were magic crematoria, that didn't need to be cleaned or cooled off between each body.

The camp had 2 ovens for 518 days, and 5 ovens for 264 days. For the first 518 days, the camp could cremate 12,432 bodies (518days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 2ovens). For the last 264 days, the camp could cremate 15,840 bodies (264days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 5ovens). The total number of bodies the camp could cremate is 28,272. That number is far, far below the "official" claimed number of dead (78,000 to 360,000).

The official number of cremated is a lie. All it takes is simple math to disprove the lie, giving every leeway to the Nazis to break the laws of thermodynamics and time to cremate more than is possible.


It's claimed 1,100,000 deaths were at Auschwitz, which operated from May, 1940 to January, 1945. The Wiki page admits:

Construction of crematorium I began at Auschwitz I at the end of June or beginning of July 1940...was in operation from August 1940 until July 1943, by which time the crematoria at Auschwitz II had taken over...By May 1942 three ovens had been installed in crematorium I, which together could burn 340 bodies in 24 hours...By June 1943 all four crematoria were operational, but crematorium I was not used after July 1943. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the Sonderkommando were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day. This maximum capacity was rarely needed; the average between 1942 and 1944 was 1,000 bodies burned every day...The first experimental gassing took place around August 1941, when Lagerführer Karl Fritzsch, at the instruction of Rudolf Höss, murdered a group of Soviet prisoners of war by throwing Zyklon B crystals into their basement cell in block 11 of Auschwitz I...The morgue was later converted to a gas chamber able to hold at least 700–800 people...Zyklon B was dropped into the room through slits in the ceiling...Any bits of bone that had not burned properly were ground down in wooden mortars.

LOL, they claim all of the bone remains were crushed using "wooden mortars". 1.1 million people's bones, ground to dust using mortars. Fucking LOL. The insanity of the official claims.

In any case, lets look at the numbers of cremated in the "official sources". In the above quote, it says the 3 ovens of crematoria I could cremate 340 bodies in 24 hours. That's impossible. 3 ovens * 24hrs / 2hrs/cremation = 36 bodies every 24 hours. To hell with the lies. The "official historians" overvalued the possible number of cremations by a factor of 9.44. Furthermore, you can't just pack in more than one body into a cremation oven. The ovens themselves are ridiculously small, wouldn't fit that many bodies, even starved bodies. You also can't just throw in more bodies into an oven and throw in more fuel, expecting to get the exact same cremation times for 1 body. The official claims are obvious lies.

Let's use this source on the number of ovens Auschwitz had:

In summer 1940 the SS took delivery of one double-muffle oven manufactured by the Topf company in Erfurt. Its official incineration capacity of over 100 corpses per day proved insufficient, and in fall 1940 the Auschwitz SS ordered a second double-muffle oven. A third (summer 1941) brought the official daily cremation capacity to 340 corpses....The 52 ovens built in the five crematoria of Auschwitz, with a total incineration capacity of 4,756 corpses per day, testify to the genocidal purpose of the Nazi state.

So, 52 ovens total for all give crematoria.

Lets use this source on when the various crematoria were active at Auschwitz:

Crematorium I operated from August 15, 1940 until July 1943...Crematorium II functioned from March 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium III functioned from June 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium IV functioned, with interruptions, from March 1943 until October 7, 1944...Crematorium V functioned, with interruptions, from April 1943 until January 1945

Crematoria I was operational for 1,079 days, crematoria II for 640 days, crematoria III for 548 days, crematoria IV for 586 days, and crematoria V for 671 days.

We know crematoria I had 3 ovens, but it's difficult to find accurate sources for how many ovens crematoria 2-5 had, so lets assume an average of 12.25 ([52-3]/4), which won't change the total number much given that crematoria 2-5 operated roughly the same number of days. Lets also assume, again, that these are magic ovens that can operate 24/7 without needing cleaning or cooling off, and all ovens were used from start to finish dates. So, crematoria I could cremate 38,844 bodies in 1079 days, crematoria II 94,080 bodies in 640 days, crematoria III 80,556 bodies in 548 days, crematoria IV 86,142 bodies in 586 days, and crematoria V 98,637 bodies in 671 days. That's a total of 398,259 bodies the Nazis could theoretically cremate. This number is woefully short of the claimed 1.1 million, and assumes heavily in favor of the official account.

Just to be clear on the situation of the latter parts of the war, lets use this source on why Nazi Germany lost:

Nor did Germany's commandeering of the economies of other European countries do much to redress the balance. The Germans' ruthless requisitioning of fuel, industrial facilities and labour from France and other countries reduced the economies of the subjugated parts of Europe to such a state that they were unable – and, with their workers becoming ever more refractory, unwilling – to contribute significantly to German war production...Above all, the Reich was short of fuel. Romania and Hungary supplied a large proportion of Germany's needs. But this was not enough to satisfy the appetite of the Wehrmacht's gas-guzzling tanks and fighter planes.

Germany lost because they were short on manpower, labor, resources, supplies, and fuel. They couldn't expend the fuel needed for the war effort on cremating bodies in their non existent "death camps". The above Wiki pages admit, in clear language, from "official sources", that the majority of the bodies were killed by gassing using Zyklon B (which is extremely difficult to do, if not impossible), cremated in ovens (that were seemingly operated by magic, using fuel the Nazis didn't have), or cremated in open air pits (which doesn't work for cremation), and they exhumed the bodies after death to "hide the evidence", during a time when the Nazis were on the backfoot, being beaten on every front and/or retreating, while short on fuel, manpower, labor, and supplies, with their railways and supply lines being attacked and broken. The notion that the Nazis were able to achieve what is claimed is absurdly ridiculous. Apparently their super evil gave them magical powers to overcome impossibilities.

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Screw it. I'll do the math for you anyway. I'll break it down camp by camp.

Here's an excerpt from the Wiki page on Nazi extermination camps:

The victims of death camps were primarily murdered by gassing, either in permanent installations constructed for this specific purpose, or by means of gas vans.

Like I said, the official Holocaust narrative is that most of the deaths were from gassing. The fact that you don't know this is quite odd. Also, killing someone in a poorly constructed room with Zyklon B pellets/crystals is insanely difficult, if not impossible.

The specific names of the death/extermination camps are Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek, and Auschwitz.


It's claimed 180,000 to 340,000 deaths were at Chelmno, which operated from December 8, 1941, to April 11, 1943. The Wiki page for Chelmno says:

The bodies were cremated on open air grids constructed of concrete slabs and rail tracks; pipes were used for air ducts, and long ash pans were built below the grid...To hide the evidence of the SS-committed war crimes, from 1943 onward, the Germans ordered the exhumation of all remains and burning of bodies in open-air cremation pits by a unit of Sonderkommando 1005.

As I said, it's impossible to fully cremate human remains in open air. It requires the pressure and temperatures that can only be reached in enclosed crematoria. The "official" Holocaust account still uses this lie. Yet, you claim to be ignorant of this fact.

The same Wiki page for Chelmno also admits to the bone crushing machine lie:

Eventually, the camp authorities bought a bone-crushing machine (Knochenmühle) from Schriever and Co. in Hamburg to speed up the process.


It's claimed 430,000 and 500,000 jewish deaths were at Belzec, which operated from March 17, 1942 to the end of June, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

All corpses buried at Bełżec were secretly exhumed and then gradually cremated on long open-air pyres, part of the country-wide plan known as the Sonderaktion 1005....Bone fragments were pulverised and mixed with the ashes to hide the evidence of mass murder.

Again, they're trying to claim the Nazis did something that's physically and thermodynamically impossible, and that they used bone crushing machines which were never found.


It's claimed 170,000 to 250,000 deaths were at Sobibor, which operated from May ,1942 to October 14, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

The vast majority of prisoners were gassed within hours of arrival...After only a few months of operation, the wooden walls of the gas chambers had absorbed too much sweat, urine, blood, and excrement to be cleanable...the Nazis assembled a forest commando who worked there cutting timber for heat, cooking, as well as cremation pyres...after the killing in the gas chambers, the corpses were collected by Sonderkommandos and taken to mass graves or cremated in the open air.

This Wiki page admits to gassing as the main means of killing (which you deny), the use of wooden enclosed gas chambers (which is a hilarious lie), that they used wood to burn the bodies (they'd run out of forest before running out of bodies to cremate), and that they, again, used open air pyres to cremate the bodies. LOL.


It's claimed 700,000 and 900,000 jewish deaths were at Treblinka, which operated from July 23, 1942 and October 19, 1943. The Wiki page admits:

Jews were murdered in its gas chambers...they cut wood to fuel the cremation pits...bodies were exhumed in 1943 and cremated on large open-air pyres along with the bodies of new victims...The bodies were placed on rails over wood, splashed with petrol, and burned...crushed the remaining bones with mallets

Again, the same lies. You can't just "splash petrol" on a corpse and expect it to cremate in the open air.


It's claimed 78,000 to 360,000 deaths were at Majdanek, which operated from October 1, 1941 to July, 22 1944. The Wiki page admits:

Until June 1942, the bodies of those murdered at Majdanek were buried in mass graves (these were later exhumed and burned by the prisoners assigned to Sonderkommando 1005)...murdered with Zyklon B...From June 1942, the SS disposed of the bodies by burning them, either on pyres made from the chassis of old lorries or in a crematorium. The so-called First Crematorium had two ovens which were brought to Majdanek from the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. This facility stood in „Interfield I", the area between the first and the second fenced camp section; it is no longer in existence today...In autumn of 1943, the first crematorium at Majdanek was replaced by the New Crematorium. It was a T-shaped wooden building with five ovens.

Oh look, the Zyklon B lie again.

But, finally!, a "death camp" that used crematoriums (something that can actually cremate a body). So, from June, 1942 to autumn 1943 (lets assume November 1st), the camp had two ovens, and from autumn 1943 to July, 22 1944 it had 5 ovens. Using modern crematoria, it takes roughly 2 hours to cremate a body. Modern crematoria require a cooldown time between each body, to clean the oven, but lets assume these were magic crematoria, that didn't need to be cleaned or cooled off between each body.

The camp had 2 ovens for 518 days, and 5 ovens for 264 days. For the first 518 days, the camp could cremate 12,432 bodies (518days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 2ovens). For the last 264 days, the camp could cremate 15,840 bodies (264days * 24hrs/day / 2hrs/cremation * 5ovens). The total number of bodies the camp could cremate is 28,272. That number is far, far below the "official" claimed number of dead (78,000 to 360,000).

The official number of cremated is a lie. All it takes is simple math to disprove the lie, giving every leeway to the Nazis to break the laws of thermodynamics and time to cremate more than is possible.


It's claimed 1,100,000 deaths were at Auschwitz, which operated from May, 1940 to January, 1945. The Wiki page admits:

Construction of crematorium I began at Auschwitz I at the end of June or beginning of July 1940...was in operation from August 1940 until July 1943, by which time the crematoria at Auschwitz II had taken over...By May 1942 three ovens had been installed in crematorium I, which together could burn 340 bodies in 24 hours...By June 1943 all four crematoria were operational, but crematorium I was not used after July 1943. This made the total daily capacity 4,416, although by loading three to five corpses at a time, the Sonderkommando were able to burn some 8,000 bodies a day. This maximum capacity was rarely needed; the average between 1942 and 1944 was 1,000 bodies burned every day...The first experimental gassing took place around August 1941, when Lagerführer Karl Fritzsch, at the instruction of Rudolf Höss, murdered a group of Soviet prisoners of war by throwing Zyklon B crystals into their basement cell in block 11 of Auschwitz I...The morgue was later converted to a gas chamber able to hold at least 700–800 people...Zyklon B was dropped into the room through slits in the ceiling...Any bits of bone that had not burned properly were ground down in wooden mortars.

LOL, they claim all of the bone remains were crushed using "wooden mortars". 1.1 million people's bones, ground to dust using mortars. Fucking LOL. The insanity of the official claims.

In any case, lets look at the numbers of cremated in the "official sources". In the above quote, it says the 3 ovens of crematoria I could cremate 340 bodies in 24 hours. That's impossible. 3 ovens * 24hrs / 2hrs/cremation = 36 bodies every 24 hours. To hell with the lies. The "official historians" overvalued the possible number of cremations by a factor of 9.44. Furthermore, you can't just pack in more than one body into a cremation oven. The ovens themselves are ridiculously small, wouldn't fit that many bodies, even starved bodies. You also can't just throw in more bodies into an oven and throw in more fuel, expecting to get the exact same cremation times for 1 body. The official claims are obvious lies.

Let's use this source on the number of ovens Auschwitz had:

In summer 1940 the SS took delivery of one double-muffle oven manufactured by the Topf company in Erfurt. Its official incineration capacity of over 100 corpses per day proved insufficient, and in fall 1940 the Auschwitz SS ordered a second double-muffle oven. A third (summer 1941) brought the official daily cremation capacity to 340 corpses....The 52 ovens built in the five crematoria of Auschwitz, with a total incineration capacity of 4,756 corpses per day, testify to the genocidal purpose of the Nazi state.

So, 52 ovens total for all give crematoria.

Lets use this source on when the various crematoria were active at Auschwitz:

Crematorium I operated from August 15, 1940 until July 1943...Crematorium II functioned from March 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium III functioned from June 1943 through November 1944...Crematorium IV functioned, with interruptions, from March 1943 until October 7, 1944...Crematorium V functioned, with interruptions, from April 1943 until January 1945

Crematoria I was operational for 1,079 days, crematoria II for 640 days, crematoria III for 548 days, crematoria IV for 586 days, and crematoria V for 671 days.

We know crematoria I had 3 ovens, but it's difficult to find accurate sources for how many ovens crematoria 2-5 had, so lets assume an average of 12.25 ([52-3]/4), which won't change the total number much given that crematoria 2-5 operated roughly the same number of days. Lets also assume, again, that these are magic ovens that can operate 24/7 without needing cleaning or cooling off, and all ovens were used from start to finish dates. So, crematoria I could cremate 38,844 bodies in 1079 days, crematoria II 94,080 bodies in 640 days, crematoria III 80,556 bodies in 548 days, crematoria IV 86,142 bodies in 586 days, and crematoria V 98,637 bodies in 671 days. That's a total of 398,259 bodies the Nazis could theoretically cremate. This number is woefully short of the claimed 1.1 million, and assumes heavily in favor of the official account.

Just to be clear on the situation of the latter parts of the war, lets use this source on why Nazi Germany lost:

Nor did Germany's commandeering of the economies of other European countries do much to redress the balance. The Germans' ruthless requisitioning of fuel, industrial facilities and labour from France and other countries reduced the economies of the subjugated parts of Europe to such a state that they were unable – and, with their workers becoming ever more refractory, unwilling – to contribute significantly to German war production...Above all, the Reich was short of fuel. Romania and Hungary supplied a large proportion of Germany's needs. But this was not enough to satisfy the appetite of the Wehrmacht's gas-guzzling tanks and fighter planes.

Germany lost because they were short on manpower, labor, resources, supplies, and fuel. They couldn't expend the fuel needed for the war effort on cremating bodies in their non existent "death camps". The above Wiki pages admit, in clear language, from "official sources", that the majority of the bodies were killed by gassing using Zyklon B (which is extremely difficult to do, if not impossible), cremated in ovens (that were seemingly operated by magic, using fuel the Nazis didn't have), or cremated in open air pits (which doesn't work for cremation), and they exhumed the bodies after death to "hide the evidence", during a time when the Nazis were on the backfoot, being beaten on every front and/or retreating, while short on fuel, manpower, labor, and supplies, with their railways and supply lines being attacked and broken. The notion that the Nazis were able to achieve what is claimed is absurdly ridiculous. Apparently their super evil gave them magical powers to overcome impossibilities.

1 year ago
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