Reason: None provided.
Yep. Absolutely horrific. I wouldn't be surprised if someone did a Gary Plauche over a boy or girl hurt by this madness.
I've said in the past that the transgenderism craze will probably be viewed like lobotomies are today but I take that back. Whatever we have today is far more inhumane and depraved than lobotomies ever were.
1 year ago
6 score
Reason: Original
Yep. Absolutely horrific. I wouldn't be surprised and frankly if someone did a Gary Plauche over a boy or girl hurt by this madness.
I've said in the past that the transgenderism craze will probably be viewed like lobotomies are today but I take that back. Whatever we have today is far more inhumane and depraved than lobotomies ever were.
1 year ago
1 score