This is exactly the case. The world will beat the shit out of you - and the people listening for your woes aren't usually your friends. When the mask eventually comes off you find that you were surrounded by a hierarchy of vultures and that all of your compassionate projections were misplaced. It's the same fuckin' game.
Man's gotta be useful, for better or for worse. Repel them.
This is exactly the case. The world will beat the shit out of you - and the people listening for your woes aren't usually your friends. When the mask eventually comes off you find that you were surrounded by a hierarchy of vultures and that all of your compassionate projections were misplaced. It's the same fuckin' game.
Man's gotta be useful, for better or for worse.
This is exactly the case. The world will beat the shit out of you - and the people listening for your woes aren't usually your friends. When the mask eventually comes off you find that you were surrounded by a hierarchy of vultures and that all of your compassionate projections were misplaced.
Man's gotta be useful, for better or for worse.
This is exactly the case. The world will beat the shit out of you - and the people listening for your woes aren't usually your friends. When the mask eventually comes off you find that you were surrounded by a hierarchy of vultures.
Man's gotta be useful, for better or for worse.
This is exactly the case. The world will beat the shit out of you - and the people listening aren't usually your friends. When the mask eventually comes off you find that you were surrounded by a hierarchy of vultures.
Man's gotta be useful, for better or for worse.
This is exactly the case. The world will beat the shit out of you - and the people listening aren't usually your friends. When the mask eventually comes off you find that you were surrounded by a hierarchy of vultures.
Man's gotta be useful.
This is exactly the case. The world will beat the shit out of you - and the people listening aren't usually your friends. When the mask eventually comes off you find that you were surrounded by a hierarchy of vultures.