Chemical castration ( which they misleadingly call ''puberty blockers'' ) cause permanent damage to the body and brain.
They do not ''delay'' puberty, they derail puberty with permanent consequences.
People here don't believe me when I tell them the NHS did a 180° and no-longer allows chemically interfering with puberty of gender dysphoric kids, and does NOT recommend ''gender affirmation'' of a child saying they feel like the other sex.
Leftists, the media and ''experts'' here successfully cemented the idea among normies that transitioning children is ''basic lifesaving healthcare''. It just dosen't compute to them that Sweden, or the UK, banned that practice.
Chemical castration ( which they misleadingly call ''puberty blockers'' ) cause permanent damage to the body and brain.
They do not ''delay'' puberty, they derail puberty with permanent consequences.
People here don't believe me when I tell the the NHS did a 180° and no-longer allows chemically interfering with puberty of gender dysphoric kids, and does NOT recommend ''gender affirmation'' of a child saying they feel like the other sex.
Leftists, the media and ''experts'' here successfully cemented the idea among normies that transitioning children is ''basic lifesaving healthcare''. It just dosen't compute to them that Sweden, or the UK, banned that practice.
Chemical castration ( which they misleadingly call ''puberty blockers'' ) cause permanent damage to the body and brain.
They do not ''delay'' puberty, they derail puberty with permanent consequences.
People here don't believe me when I tell the the NHS did a 180° and no-longer allows chemically interfering with puberty, and does NOT recommend ''gender affirmation'' of a child saying they feel like the other sex.
Leftists, the media and ''experts'' here successfully cemented the idea among normies that transitioning children is ''basic lifesaving healthcare''. It just dosen't compute to them that Sweden, or the UK, banned that practice.
Chemical castration ( which they misleadingly call ''puberty blockers'' ) cause permanent damage to the body and brain.
They do not ''delay'' puberty, they derail puberty with permanent consequences.