Honestly this is a post-modern problem. My recommendation is to travel outside of the US. Hit up Latin countries for some fun. East Europe, Russia, and Asia (including Arabia and Persia) for wife material. These regions are still post-commie/or highly conservative and are developing so make friends and don't look for trouble or you will be in hot shit real fast. But given the state of things here, it is preferable end even better environment for a man. The hobbies there are the same as here, save for some of the more expensive things that poorer countries cant afford.
Honestly this is a post-modern problem. My recommendation is to travel outside of the US. Hit up Latin countries for some fun. East Europe, Russia, and Asia (including Arabia and Persia) for wife material. These regions are still post-commie/or highly conservative and are developing so make friends and don't look for trouble or you will be in hot shit real fast. But given the state of things here, it is preferable end even better environment for a man.