Neither are good, but you can sustain welfare OR immigration for a while, things seem ok with just one. One will lead to the other though, and then the combo will destroy you very quickly.
Open immigration but no welfare incentive will initially bring in relative hardworking foreigners, but they'll want their families in too and vote for laxer standards. Meanwhile welfare creates weak gov-dependent people who vote for immigration. Not understanding 'universal' isn't the issue. It was always doomed to follow this path.
The old libertarian circle argument that you can have one or the other but not both isn't right. It misses the later consequences, having one will set the stage for the other to come along. You can sustain just one for a while and won't fall off the cliff immediately, but you are still eventually fucked.
Neither are good, but you can sustain welfare OR immigration for a while, things seem ok with just one. One will lead to the other though, and then the combo will destroy you very quickly.
Open immigration but no welfare incentive will initially bring in relative hardworkers, but they'll want their families in too and vote for laxer standards. Meanwhile welfare creates weak gov-dependent people who vote for immigration. Not understanding 'universal' isn't the issue. It was always doomed to follow this path.
The old libertarian circle argument that you can have one or the other but not both isn't right. It misses the later consequences, having one will set the stage for the other to come along. You can sustain just one for a while and won't fall off the cliff immediately, but you are still eventually fucked.
Neither are good, but you can sustain welfare OR immigration for a while, things seem ok with just one. One will lead to the other though, and then the combo will destroy you very quickly.
Welfare creates weak people who vote for immigration. Not understanding 'universal' isn't the issue. It was always doomed to follow this path.
The old libertarian circle argument that you can have one or the other but not both isn't right. It misses the later consequences, having one will set the stage for the other to come along. You can sustain just one for a while and won't fall off the cliff immediately, but you are still eventually fucked.
Neither are good, but you can sustain welfare OR immigration for a while, things seem ok with just one. One will lead to the other though, and then the combo will destroy you very quickly.
Welfare creates weak people who vote for immigration. Not understanding 'universal' isn't the issue. It was always doomed to follow this path.