Men looking at sexy women is good when they are paying for it on onlyfans. They also blame male suicide on the patriarchy because its men who tell other men not to cry and its men who set the standard in the first place that men shouldnt open up. Basically blaming men about their own suicide .They also argue that men shouldnt be allowed to enjoy sexy games because they warp their view of women and its enjoying misogyny.
Men looking at sexy women is good when they sre paying for it on onlyfans. They also blame male suicide on the patriarchy because its men who tell other men not to cry and its men who set the standard in the first place that men shouldnt open up. Basically blaming men about their own suicide .They also argue that men shouldnt be allowed to enjoy sexy games because they warp their view of women and its enjoying misogyny.
Men looking at sexy women is good when they sre paying for it on onlyfans. They also blame male suicide on the patriarchy because its men who tell other men not to cry.