This one is categorically false. Israel had some of the worst deaths and outcomes, though mostly from freaking out about covid rather than covid itself. They were the ones who published multiple studies showing the chance of dying young from the shot was equal to the chance of dying young from covid.
This one is categorically false. Israel had some of the worst deaths and outcomes, though mostly from freaking out about covid rather than covid itself. They were the ones who published multiple studies showing the chance of dying young from the -vaccine- shot was equal to the chance of dying young from covid.
This one is categorically false. Israel had some of the worst deaths and outcomes, though mostly from freaking out about covid rather than covid itself. They were the ones who published multiple studies showing the chance of dying young from the --vaccine-- shot was equal to the chance of dying young from covid.
This one is categorically false. Israel had some of the worst deaths and outcomes, though mostly from freaking out about covid rather than covid itself. They were the ones who published multiple studies showing the chance of dying young from the vaccine was equal to the chance of dying young from covid.