Part of me is sad that quality documentation is going to be memory holed by enough subreddits staying dark after the 14th instead of restricting submissions, and bandwagoning dolts erasing their accounts so they can feel like they're hurting Reddit's profits. The other part thinks this is a karmic lesson in tolerating a centralized platform with knowledge, along with technical and business design decisions that encourage L.C.D behavior (a.k.a another Eternal September). Plus, whats with the lack of permanent archiving from when was functioning?
Part of me is sad that quality documentation is going to be memory holed by enough subreddits staying dark after the 14th instead of restricting submissions, and bandwagoning dolts erasing their accounts so they can feel like they're hurting Reddit's profits. The other part thinks this is a karmic lesson in tolerating a centralized platform with knowledge, and technical and business design decisions that encourage L.C.D behavior (a.k.a another Eternal September). Plus, whats with the lack of permanent archiving from when was functioning?