I'm pressing X go to doubt on this one. I can't imagine Twitter would have ever entertained the idea of a deal that would have promoted "What is a Woman?". Jeremy furthers the incredulity of this story by claiming Twitter "responded with enthusiasm", and extended the deal, without even having seem the video in question. My impression of this situation is that he is trying to stir up bad publicity for Twitter in order to draw a crowd, and to pressure them into providing the video with some sort of support for free.
I'm pressing X go doubt on this one. I can't imagine Twitter would have ever entertained the idea of a deal that would have promoted "What is a Woman?". Jeremy furthers the incredulity of this story by claiming Twitter "responded with enthusiasm", and extended the deal, without even having seem the video in question. My impression of this situation is that he is trying to stir up bad publicity for Twitter in order to draw a crowd, and to pressure them into providing the video with some sort of support for free.