Here's the thing, I see them right across the street from eachother at times and the difference is like an ethnostate.
They are indeed overpriced, but sometimes that's the price to be paid to get away from "future scholars" and "socio-economic factors", where instead they are forced to show you them.
It's really too bad it's woke.
Here's the thing, I see them right across the street from eachother at times and the difference is like an ethnostate.
They are indeed overpriced, but sometimes that's the price to be paid to get away from future scholars and socio-economic factors, where instead they are forced to show you them.
It's really too bad it's woke.
Here's the thing, I see them right across the street from eachother at times and the difference is like an ethnostate.
They are indeed overpriced, but sometimes that's the price to be paid to get away from future scholars and socio-economic factors, but rather, they are forced to show you them.
It's really too bad it's woke.
Here's the thing, I see them across the street from eachother at times and the difference is like an ethnostate.
They are indeed overpriced, but sometimes that's the price to be paid to get away from future scholars and socio-economic factors, but rather, they are forced to show you them.
It's really too bad it's woke.