We know. That's not the point. The point is the sexes should be regarded as equal before the law OR that there should be acknowledgement of men being a better fit for certain roles, and with that acknowledgement, an appropriate amount of respect and privilege afforded to them. My preference is the latter. We currently have neither. Forced military service is male discrimination with zero perks.
We know. That's not the point. The point is the sexes should be regarded as equal before the law OR that there should be acknowledgement of men being a better fit for certain roles, and with that acknowledgement, an appropriate amount of respect and privilege afforded to them. My preference is the latter. We currently have neither. Forced mlitary service is male discrimination with zero perks.
We know. That's not the point. The point is the sexes should be regarded as equal before the law OR that there should be acknowledgement of men being a better fit for certain roles, and with that acknowledgement, an appropriate amount of respect and privilege afforded to them. My preference is the latter. We currently have neither. Military service is male discrimination with zero perks.