America went to Lebanon to save the Palestinian Liberation Army trapped with their families by Israel and the Lebanese Christians.
The nascent Hezbollah responded with killing hundreds of US Marines, then involved itself in the "War of the Camps" between Palestinian factions in which thousands of civilians were killed (mostly by Syrian and pro-Syrian forces).
America went to Lebanon to save the Palestinian Liberation Army trapped with their families by Israel and the Lebanese Christians.
The nascent Hezbollah responded with killing hundreds of US Marines, then involved itself in the "War of the Camps" between Palestinian factions in which thousands of civilians were killed.
America went to Lebanon to save the Palestinians trapped by Israel and the Lebanese Christians.
The nascent Hezbollah responded with killing hundreds of US Marines, then involved itself in the "War of the Camps" between Palestinian factions in which thousands of civilians were killed.
America went to Lebanon to save the Palestinians trapped by the Israelis and the Lebanese Christians.
The nascent Hezbollah responded with killing hundreds of US Marines, then involved itself in the "War of the Camps" between Palestinian factions in which thousands of civilians were killed.