Also, Egypt and Jordan were offered to take back Gaza and West Bank but they refused. It's a hot potato they don't want on themselves. It's not even that they want this to be an Israeli problem, because they have good relations with Israel now, they just don't want this problem to be theirs.
With the Palestinians in Jordan already having tried to take the entire country for themselves back in 1970 (aided by a Syrian invasion and Iranian communists, the Jordanian response became known as "Black September"), and when they got expelled to Lebanon then they tried to set up a parallel state there resulting in the civil war starting 5 years later and going on for 15 years with free for all involving over 60 factions (that's including pro-Iranian Palestinians vs pro-Syrian Palestinians vs pro-Iraqi Palestinians) and many other countries including Israeli invasion (opposed by America which together with France rescued Arafat and his forces from Beirut).
And the Egyptians currently have an Islamic State in Sinai insurgency along the border with Israel anyway.
Also, Egypt and Jordan were offered to take back Gaza and West Bank but they refused. It's a hot potato they don't want on themselves. It's not even that they want this to be an Israeli problem, because they have good relations with Israel now, they just don't want this problem to be theirs.
With the Palestinians in Jordan already having tried to take the entire country for themselves back in 1970 (the Jordanian response became known as "Black September"), and when they got expelled to Lebanon then they tried to set up a parallel state there resulting in the civil war starting 5 years later and going on for 15 years with free for all involving over 60 factions (that's including pro-Iranian Palestinians vs pro-Syrian Palestinians vs pro-Iraqi Palestinians) and many other countries including Israeli invasion (opposed by America which together with France rescued Arafat and his forces from Beirut).
And the Egyptians currently have an Islamic State in Sinai insurgency along the border with Israel anyway.
Also, Egypt and Jordan were offered to take back Gaza and West Bank but they refused. It's a hot potato they don't want on themselves.
With the Palestinians in Jordan already having tried to take the entire country for themselves back in 1970 (the Jordanian response became known as "Black September"), and when they got expelled to Lebanon then they tried to set up a parallel state there resulting in the civil war starting 5 years later and going on for 15 years with free for all involving over 60 factions (that's including pro-Iranian Palestinians vs pro-Syrian Palestinians vs pro-Iraqi Palestinians) and many other countries including Israeli invasion (opposed by America which together with France rescued Arafat and his forces from Beirut).
And the Egyptians currently have an Islamic State in Sinai insurgency along the border with Israel anyway.
Also, Egypt and Jordan were offered to take back Gaza and West Bank but they refused. It's a hot potato they don't want on themselves.
With the Palestinians in Jordan already having tried to take the entire country for themselves back in 1970 (the Jordanian response became known as "Black September"), and when they got expelled to Lebanon then they tried to set up a parallel state in Lebanon resulting in the civil war starting 5 years later and going on for 15 years with free for all involving over 60 factions (that's including pro-Iranian Palestinians vs pro-Syrian Palestinians vs pro-Iraqi Palestinians) and many other countries inuding Israeli invasion (opposed by America which together with France rescued Arafat and his forces from Beirut).
And the Egyptians currently have an Islamic State in Sinai insurgency along the border with Israel anyway.
Also, Egypt and Jordan were offered to take back Gaza and West Bank but they refused. It's a hot potato they don't want on themselves.
With the Palestinians in Jordan already having tried to take the entire country for themselves back in 1970 (the Jordanian response became known as "Black September"), and when they got expelled to Lebanon then they tried to set up a parallel state in Lebanon resulting in the civil war starting 5 years later and going on for 15 years with free for all (that's including pro-Iranian Palestinians vs pro-Syrian Palestinians vs pro-Iraqi Palestinians).
And the Egyptians currently have an Islamic State in Sinai insurgency along the border with Israel anyway.