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Reason: None provided.

Allegedly helping their own military to find a traitor within their ranks is "an act of war" against whom?

the people on whom real journalism depends

Unlike Greenwald's very own Bradley Manning, OG never shared the stolen documents with any representative of "journalism", "real" or not. He just gave it to his fellow retards from the internet for internet clout, and who then spred it randomly on other forums also without telling the "real journalism" like Greenwald apparently (who called Manning "the true face of heroism" in The Guardian after Manning also probably had people killed, such as some of the foreign sources of the classified reports who now could be identified).

1 year ago
-3 score
Reason: None provided.

Allegedly helping their own military to find a traitor within their ranks is "an act of war" against whom?

the people on whom real journalism depends

Unlike Greenwald's friend Bradley Manning, OG never shared the stolen documents with any representative of "journalism", "real" or not. He just gave it to his fellow retards from the internet for internet clout, and who then spred it randomly on other forums also without telling the "real journalism" like Greenwald apparently (who called Manning "the true face of heroism" in The Guardian after Manning also probably had people killed, such as some of the foreign sources of the classified reports who now could be identified).

1 year ago
0 score
Reason: None provided.

Allegedly helping their own military to find a traitor within their ranks is "an act of war" against whom?

the people on whom real journalism depends

Unlike Greenwald's friend Bradley Manning, OG never shared the stolen documents with any representative of "journalism", "real" or not. He just gave it for his fellow retards from the internet for internet clout, and who then spred it randomly on other forums also without telling the "real journalism" like Greenwald apparently (who called Manning "the true face of heroism" in The Guardian after Manning also probably had people killed, such as some of the foreign sources of the classified reports who now could be identified).

1 year ago
0 score
Reason: None provided.

Allegedly helping their own military to find a traitor within their ranks is "an act of war" against whom?

the people on whom real journalism depends

Unlike Greenwald's friend Bradley Manning, OG never shared the stolen documents with any representative of "journalism", "real" or not. He just gave it for his fellow retards, who then spree it randomly also without telling the "real journalism" like Greenwald apparently (whom he called "the true face of heroism" in The Guardian after Manning also probably had people killed, such as some of the foreign sources of the classified reports who now could be identified).

1 year ago
0 score
Reason: None provided.

Allegedly helping their own military to find a traitor within their ranks is "an act of war" against whom?

the people on whom real journalism depends

Unlike Greenwald's friend Bradley Manning, OG never shared the stolen documents with any representative of "journalism", "real" or not. He just gave it for his fellow retards, who then spree it randomly also without telling the "real journalism" like Greenwald apparently (whose The Guardian "real journalism" co-operation with Manning also likely had people killed, like probably some of the foreign sources of the classified reports who now could be identified).

1 year ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Allegedly helping their own military to find a traitor within their ranks is "an act of war" against whom?

the people on whom real journalism depends

Unlike Greenwald's friend Bradley Manning, OG never shared the stolen documents with any representative of journalism, "real" or not.

1 year ago
1 score