It’s sort of woke, at least in the first half. In the first half Peach is brilliant at everything and completely kicks ass for no reason while Mario gets dumped on and disrespected at every opportunity, they let him come into his own a little bit more as the movie goes on but it takes a while. By the end he’s portrayed as pretty competent and kick-ass.
On the plus side Peach isn’t very cunty to Mario as I feared she’d be, she seems to like him and they actually kind of tease a romance between the two which shocked me, I thought for sure she’d make it clear that she don’t need no man.
It’s sort of woke, at least in the first half. In the first half Peach is brilliant at everything and completely kicks ass for no reason while Mario gets dumped on and disrespected at every opportunity, they let him come into his own a little bit more as the movie goes on but it takes a while. By the end he’s portrayed as pretty competent and kick-ass.
On the plus side Peach isn’t very cunty to Mario as I thought she’d be, she seems to like him and they actually kind of tease a romance between the two which shocked me, I thought for sure she’d make it clear that she don’t need no man.
It’s sort of woke, at least in the first half. In the first half Peach is brilliant at everything and completely kicks ass for no reason while Mario gets dumped on and disrespected at every opportunity, they let him come into his own a little bit more as the movie goes on but it takes a while.
On the plus side Peach isn’t very cunty to Mario as I thought she’d be, she seems to like him and they actually kind of tease a romance between the two which shocked me, I thought for sure she’d make it clear that she don’t need no man.